health visitor


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2007
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if i phone my health visitor tocome overto discuss a few things... will they? porscia has a few behavioral issues at the moment and i wondered if she would be able to help me out by coming round and dicussing them
Im sure they would, whats up anything the forum ladies could give thier always willing opinion on?
Im sure they would come out or you could go down to the drop in clinic if they have one.
i just wondered as her behavioral problems happen at homeand i wantedto show her what they are...
she is constantly clenching up and holding her breathe.. when we put her in her high chair, car seator pushchair... its like she is struggling forbreathe...she goes really red and have to shake her out of it...she has now started to do it while sitting on our knee.. but as soon as we put her onthe floor to crawl she stops... i know she isnot having fits as she stops straight away as soon as she gets on her own.. but we are both worried about the holding her breathe part... she arches her back and clenches her feet tight... so we are just a bit worried...
Our HV is really good and will happily come to house to help out with anything and usually has great advice. hope you get sorted.
Should do. Mine does so although sometimes she is booked up for a bit and if its non urgent I have to wait a week.

Does your HV have a weekly drop in clinic you could go to? I see mine at ours each week for a chat.
Definately! My HV is always there for me! Hope it gets sorted, hun :hug:

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