Health Visitor


Oct 24, 2017
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Im currently 37 weeks pregnant and today I had my first visit from my health visitor.

We basically went over what the health visitor is there for and she gave me leaflets.

She also pointed out that she’s doesn’t recommend the Tommee Tippee prep machine as it causes gastroenteritis and there is no proof that first shot sterilises the formula. Has anyone else heard this? Also if I was to ditch the prep machine how would I sterilise the formula?

Also made a comment that the snuz pod is not recommended due to it encouraging co sleeping despite me saying I will be using it with the sides up she was still not happy about it.

We covered cot death very briefly but she made it clear that because I’ve chosen not to breast feed I should introduce a dummy at night in the early stages to prevent cot death.

Is this just a very opinionated HV or should I worry?
Wow she sounds very opinionated! I have read that the new tommee tippee prep machine that is like £150 is much better than the original as it was investigated on Watchdog. So I would trust the new machine, that being said we just make them up beforehand and store them in a fridge overnight then heat when needed.

As for Co sleeping that is entirely your choice and it's what works best for you as a family so I would take on board what she has advised but in the end make your own mind up. If it doesn't work then hey ho least you tried it. If it does then sod her lol!

Never heard of meeting your health visitor before birth anyway so that's a new one! Xx
The health visitor is there to give you information only. At the end of the day, you are the parents and so it is ultimately your decision what you do. As long as you’re not giving your child whiskey for breakfast or something daft then really they can’t do anything about it!
The only time the HV mentioned co sleeping to me was when she said she didn't recommend it purely because of my high BMI. Your HV just sounds very opinionated. No idea with regards to the formula as I breastfed my son and am breastfeeding this one too so have never actually made a bottle in my life xx
They've changed the guidelines with formula over the years. You're supposed to add the powder to boiling water which kills any bacteria, but we've always done it the 'old' way and neither of my children have ever had upset tummies. We sterilise the bottles, add boiling water, then when we need a bottle we add the powder and serve it at room temp. This is frowned upon now but who can wait for a boiling hot bottle to cool down when your baby's having a melt down?!

There's enough stuff in my kitchen without forking out more money on a gadget like a prep machine.
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Your health visitor would have a field day with me too as I have both the snuz pod and perfect prep machine! Health visitor guidance changes fairly often but they have to stipulate what the current guidelines are, which for formula feeding is to boil the kettle fresh each time, leave for 30 mins then add to the formula. They are never going to recommend something commercial like the perfect prep machine but so many mums rave about it and I’ve only heard positive reviews. If you felt that it was making your baby sick then of course you’d probably stop using it to see if it makes a difference, but if you have one I would at least try it and see how you get on. It’s the same with co-sleeping, it will likely never be recommended by health visitors but so many people find the co-sleeper cribs to be fantastic. As others have said, as long as you feel well informed about the choices and understand them all, then ultimately you find what works well for you xx
Thank you for all your replies.

I think I was taken back how she went out the house pointing out things that weren’t recommend!!

I spoke to my other half last night and we are going to stick with the prep machine and snuz pod as my other half said they sell millions of them and if there was a high risk I’m sure I would of picked up on this when I did research!

Let’s hope her next visit (10-14 days after birth) will be a bit more successful

Thanks again :)
Looloo you're the parent, you will know best. Always remember that.

We had the prep machine for DD and she was never ill from it. Will be digging it out again for this baby.
I know a few people who cosleep and that's their choice, whatever you feel comfy with and whatever works for you as a family.

And the dummy thing I have no idea where she has got that from. I have never heard of a dummy reducing cot death because you're not breastfeeding. Sounds like scaremongering to me and maybe a way of trying to guilt you into breastfeeding. I would put in a complaint about her to be honest. She sounds very opinionated and not overly professional at all.

My DD was never breastfed. Bottle from the moment she came out and she has had no problems whatsoever.

Just remember a mothers instinct is always right xx
There was a lot of kick off on the prep machine as it was getting mould easily hence the gastric issues. Someone in my July mummies had had an issue with it. But I'm sure tommee tippee sorted the issues though? Sucking a dummy does reduce the risk of cot death I've always been told. Though I don't see how it should be "because you're not breastfeeding" :roll:

I'm on off cosleeping right now and my breastfeeding councillor and hv both said not to worry about it. That breastfeeding makes mum and baby sleepy so lots of people do it and it's safer than accidentally falling asleep feeding in the sofa. Imagine the different advice we've both been given!! Your HV wouldn't be happy with me...I also have a Next2me and have never heard anyone not recommend side sleepers. That's a new one on me

At the end of the day they give their advice in line with the guidelines they've been given. But it's your baby, and your decisions ultimately. And if when baby comes she is still uncomfortably opinionated feel free to tell her so!! Youre not doing anything wrong with the choices you're making. She should be there to support you and your baby, not make you feel uncomfortable or judged. Xx
This is why I hate heath visitors. I'd have told her to piss off. I'm on baby number 3 and will be declining visits this time round. Do whatever you want. So what if it encourages co-sleeping? There's nothing wrong with co-sleeping as long as it's done properly. Sterilize the formula by adding it to water over 70°c then cool the bottle down in a cup or bowl of cold water. And yes the stats say there is a small reduced risk of sids if the baby has a dummy, but it doesn't mean you should feel bullied into using one if you don't want to.
They've changed the guidelines with formula over the years. You're supposed to add the powder to boiling water which kills any bacteria, but we've always done it the 'old' way and neither of my children have ever had upset tummies. We sterilise the bottles, add boiling water, then when we need a bottle we add the powder and serve it at room temp. This is frowned upon now but who can wait for a boiling hot bottle to cool down when your baby's having a melt down?!

There's enough stuff in my kitchen without forking out more money on a gadget like a prep machine.

This is the way I've always made bottles too and never had a problem. I've always been more worried about bugs in the water and bottle than the powder. The powder is sterile until you open the box and then if it's kept dry and closed, it's unlikely to grow any bugs.
The HV will only be telling you what is in the national guidance of feeding and trying to reduce the risk of SIDS. It might not even be her own opinion that she is sharing.
In my work I have to give guidance on the same subjects and would support what she has said. Ultimately though, I always finish with that there are no “rules” we can only recommend the National guidance and it’s your baby and you will make your own choices.

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