Health Visitor is ...... well..... visiting today!


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2010
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HV coming at 9.30 this morning just to 'introduce herself and their service'. Told my mum this and she said she was just coming to have a nosey and to expect her to ask to 'use the bathroom' at some point. Now my mum is most probably paranoid - don't think she had a nice HV when she had us - but even so yesterday and this morning I have

* done all the ironing (fat ankles as a result grrr)
* cleaned the bathroom
* cleaned the kitchen
* dusted the living room (OH did hoovering)
* started to wash all baby stuff and tidied the nursery (well piled all the boxes in one place and made the cot look more like a cot rather than a storage area)

She better use the bloody bathroom and have a cup of tea and want to look in the nursery now otherwise I will be mightily PO'd.

At least house is clean though and I have all day to put my feet up afterwards.
Ah nightmare, I remember those health visitors! Nice that you get one before the baby I guess, not seen that before, so maybee they are checking you out! Well you have got it all covered, the bathroom would be the first bit i would clean too!

I didn't get one last time, as stayed in a week in hosp so they signed me off, but the first baby I remeber her coming back for weeks after the baby , trying to decide if I had the postnatel depresion, she would turn up and i would burst into tears! (It would not help case!)

Well done , lets hope you get a nice one
oh my word!! i hope she comes as well for ya! sounds like you worked your butt off for her!! let us know how it goes!
Lol yeah I wonder if they just snoop around at your house and stuff. Wonder if I'll get one before? X
HV came to me a coule months back to see my daughter as we had moved here begining of year but she didnt check anywhere or anything. She just said she would be back when babys born x
I know in my area the hv visits b4 baby is born now but it's basically just to introduce herself,only usually stays 10 mins and tells u all about the different help and support in the area xx
When I had the babys and moved house I have always has a hv come and "visit" and "use the toilet" my house is always spotless though so I have never had any problem I even had "surprise visits" with supposide "messge to say they were comming" yer right! But they have always been happy lol! Wierd how they only do it when we move or I have a baby lol!! Hv's are nosy sometimes everytime I have a baby I get the bottles at the back of the fridge disgussion (even tho I breastfeed) and make sure no one smokes around baby in the house and make sure if you stand near anyone That smokes you change your clothes before you pick baby up!! Lol!!! And have you got a room thermometer? Have you got a bath thermometer? Do you have a baby thermometer? Lol!!! Third baby Dur!! I'm just waiting for it all again this time round haha! X

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Well she came.... 20 mins late cos she got lost :clock: - I live in a village with about 100 houses in it - how hard can it be???

Anyway she was lovely, kept calling me 'duckie' and 'luvvie' and 'flower' which was a bit wierd as been as she was only a little bit older than me. But she stayed for about 15 mins just chatting and telling me what would happen after the baby's born and left me some stuff to read. She didn't go anywhere other than the living room though :wall:

So, I am now sitting on the sofa with my feet up having a well earned rest while the rest of the baby clothes are in the wash. :coffee:
oh dear.. good luck girl. Im sure they only moan if its a REAL mess.

I was not gonna buy a room themometer as i thought you feel on the baby if he is warm or cold.
How did babies survive 100 years ago, its a miracle ;)
In one of the packs she gave me is a bath thermometre, we bought a forehead one the other day for baby and one of our friends is giving us their room one so on the thermometre front we are well covered. She said the one big issue she would keep talking to me about (not just me, it's a policy) was safe sleeping but that we were quite low risk anyway as we don't smoke, drink to excess or take drugs.
lucky im such a OCD clean freak ( as OH calls me ) im not gonna worry to much, well ok truth, i will worry alot, i hate the feeling im been judged.. but i know its their job and that way they can catch the bad people.. ive heard some are nice and some are nasty but im not a bad person so ill just be overly nice..

:) its hard to be mean to a nice person lol x
I had the same health visitor for 3 years and she only came to our house after N. was born.
However,couple of months ago i changed doctors and my new health visitor came to 'introuce herself' but she asked if it would be easier for me because i have three small children and saves me coming to the surgery.
she weighed the twins and did everything because i'm not a regular at baby clinics since having three toddlers - takes me hours to get them ready,underss them and catch and dress again so EVERYONE and i really do mean EVERYONE is super sympathetic towards me :)

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