Health in Pregnancy grant!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2009
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Pointless thread really but I sent off my forms for the £190 grant on the 10th April and got it through today! I thought Id have to wait till the end of this week at the when I checked my bank I was pleasently surprised :)

I don't think Ive ever had such quick service from the government!!! Hope everyone elses go through this quick! :thumbup:
Oh that's encouraging!! I sent mine last Friday (16th) so hopefully it won't take long. Thankfully before sending it off I noticed the MW had written in the wrong estimated due date, she'd put my date of birth in! I can see the confusion, bubs is due 11 days before my birthday, just not in 1981!!!! :)
Have you decided how you are going to use your grant?
How many weeks do you have to be before applying? x
you have to be 25 weeks pudds. I sent mine off today! x
Ive brought a car with it! I was looking for a cheap car and someone offered me one they were going to scrap so I got it for £40. So the grant will cover the insurance, MOT and the cost of the car. So it came in just in time really!

Pudds I totally forgot about the grant but my midwife remembered before I left, so just at your 25 week appt they should give it to you and you just send it off when ever you want within 30 days. :)
i should get my form next week as i have my 25 week check. suprised how quick it comes! ive bought everything for baby now so think i might save a bit for when baby comes to get some nice clothes for baby and for me aswell.
would bve nice to have big shopping spree
I sent my forms off today, dont know what to buy with it - maybe bedding, or wallpaper x

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