

Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2008
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how does everybody deal with them while having bubs in tummy?

Ive had a few over last few weeks mainly tension headaches from the prats at work but theyre driving me insane

normally I take a couple ibroprufen and thats it gone within minutes :x except these seem to go on for hours and hours and hours cos I can only take paracetemol which doesnt do nothing for me!

I've gone on the philosophy of "just deal with it" with headaches. Most of mine are ( i beleive) caused by dehydration, so i have a drink and relax a little.

I've been trying not to take anything, even paracetamol whislt pregnant, but everytime i mention to docs not feeling well etc they are always very quick to tell me to take paracetamol.

Im not sure if they work but cant you get pads to put on your forehead when it hurts and oil stuff to rub in to temples??

I've been suffering quite badly with headaches whilst pregnant and they make doing anything a real effort
I have also tried to adopt your "deal with it" ways but mine can be rdiculous like having a headache and going to bed early cos of it then still having it next day when I get up.

The doctor was very quick to tell me that although Im trying not to take them everytime I get a sore head and i only take one or 1/2 one rather than two.

I totally know how your feeling and its the one thing thats putting me dwn!
I only take one paracetamol, and only when I neeeeed it. I've only had one or two that didn't go away. Fresh air helps, especially for the tension headaches, however, as soon as you're back in the office, they're back!
Aye fresh air, loads of water and start making time to just chill n relax - maybe get ya OH to gently massage your neck and shoulders and scalp or if you got some spare £'s - treat yaself to an indian head massage - the stress n tension should just melt away :hug: xxx
Hello there! i have had the most terrible headaches since being pregnant. i spoke to one of my friends the other day and she mentioned her mid wife used to tell her bananas are really good for it. i thanked her for her advice thinking that would never help :think: and had one anyway, later that afternoon the headache was gone!!! :cheer:

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