

Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2012
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is anyone else suffering from alot of these? God i feel like my heads about to explode! :wall2: Sometimes I just wake up with them and they last the entire day and I end up just going to bed. Obviously this isnt very convinient, as it means the house stays a complete mess and I feel completely useless.
Been docs and all he said is it might be stress (this was before i had my first scan) and to take paracetamol but tbh, it doesnt really do an awfull lot.
I hope this doesnt last throughout my entire pregnancy because i dont think id be able to cope!
Definitely know how you feel! I suffered from headaches from when I found out I was pregnant, and they started to fizzle out when I was around 16/17 weeks pregnant.. When I went to the docs at 14 weeks about the headaches, she said it is most likely to be linked with the hormonal changes.. Know what you mean about feeling useless though - my headaches lasted days on end! :wall2:

I just kept myself well hydrated and took paracetemol.. I also found that taking hot baths helped! Also heard some good reviews on that '4head' stuff :)

Hope they ease off soon for you! xx
Thanks Leah, Ive heard that 4head stuff is good, i may have to get some and try it out. I really hope mine fizzle out... xxx
No worries :) Yeah, anything is worth a go! And joys of pregnancy ey! Haha.. xx
Trust me, Im glad this is my last, must be getting too old for this! haha x Body cant cope! xx
Is there anything you can idnentify that ,may be causing them? I got them every time I ate cheese in early pregnancy! Xx
im not sure to be honest, im off most food mostly, the things i eat on a daily basis are usually cereal, yogurts, i do have a cup of tea in the morning, but i make sure i limit myself to two cups a day and usually i only have one anyway. I eat toast with butter and marmite. Nothing sticks out to me, i woke up with this headache today and its stayed with me all day x
Drink lots and lots of water-even if you need the loo every 5 mins! It definitely helps! Xx
Thanks, Ive been drinking shed loads of water lol x
I hear you on this one, I've had headaches on and off for the last two weeks. I've always had lots of headaches/migraines before getting PG and except the first couple of weeks, I've been pretty headache free. But the last two weeks they've come back.

Like you, I wake in the morning with them and although paracetamol helps they don't actually seem to go.

I've also got another urine infection and can't stop peeing. I'm on day 5 of antibiotics and still no let up. I went to the loo 6 times in last night (between 10.30pm & 6am!!) Don't suppose the lack of sleep helps with the headaches.
I'm same girls. Had a day in bed and off work last Tuesday with a migrane and before that I was getting sore heads. When it resulted in the proper stinker I had I thought that was it, but oh no, it's back again. I've been drinking loads and also taking regular paracetamol but it's not shifting. When I was at the hospital on Thursday the consultant told me I can have co-coda mol but to be honest I've not taken them yet, don't really like to. It's driving me nuts too. My eyes are stinging constantly and I'm finding it hard to concentrate at work. Mind you.....being at work doesn't actually help. Boo. Get well soon xx
woke up and its still there. Im in tears, why wont it bloody go?? It hurts!!
I had headaches around 15 weeks too - it turned out I was a bit anaemic and the doc gave me some iron tablets . Maybe ask if it could be this hun xxx
thanks im phoning doc again at 9am, i went to a walk in clinic last time and he basically just told me its stress and to take paracetamol. he also said to take co-codamol but im a bit reluctant to take this tbh

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