HCG Question


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2012
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When should I be able to get a negative pregnancy test? How long does it take for HCG to come out of your system?
Every mc is different it could take a week it could take 5 weeks it took me 5 weeks to get negative hpt n I got af 9 weeks after my mc it felt like a lifetime and I felt in limbo land till I Finaly got a negative hpt xx
Thanks JoJo.

I'm wondering if it worth me using OPKs this month if we do decide to TTC straight away then? I tested positive on those up until last Monday when I did the last one so they were obviously detecting the HCG in me.
Yer I remember doing an opk after my erpc and the line was so dark on it it took ages to disappear and to this day I never get a totaly negative opk :-/ I tracked my hcg weekly then every few days it sort of gave me some power and control bk n soon as I got negative hpt I started using opks again xx
That's maybe a good idea, I'll buy a load of Internet cheapies and test once a week.
I shouldn't laugh but that made me lol!

I'll never be so pleased to see a bfn ever again in my life! xxx
I know what ya mean its crazy how we so wanna see that bfp but after an mc we so wanna see that bfn how bloody crazy is that :-/ xx
Mine was negative very quickly after ERPC, only a few days in fact. Fingers crossed you get a BFN soon too! lol

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