HCG levels - Help!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2011
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Hi was looking for some advice from you lovely ladies.

I suffered a miscarriage two months ago and had a :bfp: 2 weeks ago. By my dates I was 6 weeks. I had been having some spotting this week so had to go for a early scan. They could see a sac and yolk and the woman doing the scan said she thought she could see a very small something around 1mm. I have to go back on the 15th for another scan to see if there is a baby there. The doc took bloods and they came back at 18,750 is that normal??? He is saying that it may be a earlier pregnancy than I thought and that I ovulated later. I am really worried. Any advice welcome PLEASE!!!! :pray:
i don't have any advice hun i don't have any answers but i didn't want to read and run. i know of some girls on the forum who know about hcg so you will hopefully get some advice soon xx
Levels between 1000 and 56000 are considered normal around 6 weeks but just one reading on it's own doesn't really tell you much as what you need to do is compare two readings 24 to 48 hours appart to make sure they are increasing sufficiently.
To see a sac and yolk sac at 6 weeks is just about right :lol: the 1mm thing she said she thought she could see could poss be the fetal pole which again would be about right. Hopefully when you go back baby will have grown enough for you to be able to see a heart beat too. I had the same when I went at around 6 weeks and when I went back 12 days later the heart beat was there so just keep thinking positive as all seems good so far - hope all goes well at he next scan :dance:x
Thanks I am feeling slightly calmer but still have this horrible niggly feeling its a blighted ovum. I tried to get him to take more bloods to compare but he didn't feel that was needed!!!!! Did'nt help then that my brother told me his girlfriend was expecting another baby last night. AAAAAAHHHHHHH

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