

Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2009
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Olive has awful hayfever. Proper red, streaming eyes, constant runny nose. Always sneezing, rybbing his eyes an dgenerally looking uncomfortable.

We are using Boots antihistamine which can be used twice a day. Any other tricks anyone knows?

He is currently standing with his face pressed against the patio doors as I won't let him go out! Last night, he was really struggling breathing. So today, he isn't going out after 3. See if that helps. I feel so sorry for the poor bugger!
Sorry no advicehun have you spoke to the hv maybe they can suggest something
Poor thing. I've heard putting vaseline around the edges of the childs nose can help, bathing the eyes after they've been outside as well as washing their hands and face. Hope LO feels better soon :hug:
I suffer with hayfever also, i currently take the piriteze tablets as their none drowsy. Not sure if their suitable for children though, but it is an awful thing to suffer with :(
I use Opticrom eye-drops - have done since I was about 4 years old. Doctor used to prescribe Triludan syrup, nasal spray and eye drops back then and I still need them all every year nowadays. I would take him to the doctor about it as they will be able to prescribe different things to what you can buy over the counter if they agree that it's hayfever. My doctor has said in the past though that babies under 2 years don't get hayfever.

Eating honey which is local to you is supposed to help over time as it builds up an immunity to the pollen in your area but I can't vouch for it being any good because I'm a bit allergic to honey, it makes my hayfever symptoms feel worse.

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