Having the week from hell :-((


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2011
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Had such a nightmare week and still suffering...Tuesday morning woke up feeling fine by 9am had a itchy foot but thought nothing of it. Had my 24 week midwife appt at 10am so wanted to mention to her about my swollen ankles which had been pretty bad for the last 2 weeks. By the time I saw the midwife at 10 my foot was really sore and red so she booked me a gp appt for 1pm. By the time I got back to the doctors my foot was purple and I was unable to walk!!!!!!! Turns out I have cellulitits in my foot with danger of it spreading further, my 1st though was baby so so worried but unless it gets into my blood stream she should be ok so docs started me on anti-biotics. It's now sunday and I am still unable to walk and still so worried about baby but can feel her moving everyday so that puts my mind at ease slightly. Sorry to go on but it has been the worst week ever :shock::shock:
Aww hunny how awful! Must be such a pain not being able to walk around. Glad to hear baby is doing ok though, fx the antibiotics kick in soon and u feel better xxx
Omg that sounds terrible! Glad ur getting it sorted though and glad ur LO is ok!
Hope u start to get better soon xx

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I remember my next door neighbour had this & his was soo sore looking & very painfull.

Hope them antibiotics kick in soon & sort it out - glad baby is ok too ( hugs ) your bound to be worried - it's only natural but them tablets should sort it out asap. xx
Sorry your not well honey. I had this before. All from a blister that popped!! It was horrible.

Hope the antibiotics kick in soon x
Oh dear that sounds awful. I really hope the antibiotics kick in soon and you're feeling better xx
That sounds awful,but glad baby's doing ok! Hopefully the anti-bs will kick in asap and ull be fine in no time! Get well soon!
Thanks for all the replys ladies, back to docs today pain is starting to ease so a good sign bit worried about baby though gone rather quiet since yesterday so gonna try to see the midwife today as well

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