Back from the scan, mixed feelings


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2011
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Hi ladies, so I had my scan today, the baba was fine apart from 2 things - they were not sure about the right foot, it was either lying funny or it's something wrong with the foot. Left foot was ok.

She said my placenta was low lying so they will check it again. I have an appointment with a doctor this time on the 12th.

Dont even want to start thinking about the worst case scenario, trying to keep positive.
Probably just a naughty baby.

Apart from that everything else was good.

And yes, we are team BLUE as I thought from the very beginning.
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in what way do they think the foot isnt normal?
It was slightly to the side ie not straight like you would normally have. Legs were bent so it might have been just the way the foot was but I have to be back to look at it again.
Congratulations on team blue!! :) glad everything is fine apart from what you have told us!! Hopefully its just baby lying funny.. :) x
Congrats on the team blue, think I guessed wrong! Hope baba was just lying funny xx
my 1st was born with her feet right up against her shins i had to massage them daily and the eventually went into the normal position so try not to worry hun and congratulations on being on team blue :)
Try not to worry chick x babies have quite soft bones and can probably manage to get get contorted into all sorts of positions whilst they are in there!! Xx I bet baba was just siting funny xx

My mum has a friend who used to go the same church as us, and her son was born with his leg kinda twisted out from the knee down x he wore a brace to straighten it for a few months, and by the time he was 6 months it was completely sorted x he's Healy two now and has no problems at all xxx
Congrats on team blue Hun :blue: I'm sure your little man will be fine xxx
Like Flugel, my friends baby also had to wear a brace for a short while, but it was nothing serious and quickly corrected. Try not to worry, he prob was just sitting funny. Congrats on team blue :) x
Congrats on team blue! I know its easier said than done but try not to worry about something before it has actually happened! The next scan could show that the foot is sitting normal, and if it isn't you will be given good guidance on how to sort the problem out xx
Hey congrats on team blue! Try not to worry Im sure next scan will be a different picture
Congratulations on team blue :cloud9: And I hope his foot is ok :hug: x
Congratulations on team blue hunny, hoping everything will be just fine at your next scan and your little boy is just lying funny x x

Thanks ladies, I am not too worried if he has to wear a brace, it can be fixed. She said though it could be an indication of Downs. But then with Downs its normally both feet and other pointers.

Trying not to think about the worst case scenario though
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Hi hun,
First off massive congratulations on joining Team Blue!!! :D
Secondly, Chin up..... baby's are stupidly flexible and can get themselves into all sorts of positions like the others have said. My nephew was born with a dodgy hip and had to wear a brace for a while but you'd never know the difference now and he's a happy, healthy, hyper 7 year old. Actually think still wearing the brace might make life a bit easier.... for me anyways, slow the little bugga down!!! lol!! xxx
Congratulations on team BLUE!!

As the others ahve said I wouldn't worry too much about his foot. If it is club foot, it is really simple to straighten these days xxx
Congrats on team blue... Where you able to see clearly that he was a boy. Want to stay Team Yellow but am worried that me may see something in our scan.... Oh well...

Am sure he was just sitting funny... Will keep fingers and toes crossed for the next scan.
congrats on team blue, i try not to worry to much shud seen the way my baby was lien when she did mine the scan woman said it was ridiculas they way he was lien, sorry about spelly x
Thanks ladies, if it is clubbed foot, it is easily fixable. Well prob buns won't be playing for Derby bug I can live with that. It was the Downs I am scared of, but my first screening results were 1 in 100 000! Thanks for support so much! Maybe he is just being a naughty boy.
yay a little boy! Congrats hon! I'm sure baby was just playing up and everything will be fine with his foot....and great news about the downs screening x x

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