Having one of 'those' breast feeding days!


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2011
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Feel like all I've done today is feed Kynon! Must be a growth spurt or where he's feeling better now, just hope it don't last long! Got that horrible empty feeling and he's still wanting more :(
Oh bless him, glad to hear hes feeling better. Hes obviously got some catching up to do! I know exactly how you feel sometimes it feels like you're doing nothing but breastfeeding all day. I sometimes wonder how I got through those early days but it feels amazing to be able to feed my baby :)

You're doing a fab job, little Kynon is lovely and I'm sure hes had plenty and just wanting more comforting from his mummy :) Remember your milk probably still needs to adjust back again now hes feeding more. xx
Keep strong sarah, your doing a great job. Try and remember its just 1 bad day!

Thanks. He's in bed now so fx I'll get a few hours break! Just one of those days I think where I needed to do stuff but couldn't, hubby is home tomorrow night so that will help.
I have days like that too, normally my days only consist of school run & housework (obvs looking after baby as well) but if something comes up, it seems like LO is being more demanding, but he isn't, its just that I dont have the time I normally would to deal with him.

As I expected one of those days turned into one of those nights where he was back to feeding 2 hourly! Was getting used to a 4 hour sleep! Hopefully he was just hungry yesterday!
Hows things been the last few days? I forgot to ask how you were getting on with expressing? Have you still been keeping a bottle by for night time? Your doing brilliant!


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