Growth spurt or problem with supply?

Mrs CW

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2010
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Since Dylan was born we have fed on demand and he has always gone 3/3.5 hours between feeds. The last 2 evenings he has almost been permanently attached to me and during the night waking every 1.5 to 2 hours wanting a feed. During the day he's going about 3 hours again. Does this sound like a growth spurt or could it be there's a problem with my supply? On Friday he was feeding for over an hour and a half in one go and crying while feeding which made me think he wasn't getting anything from either breast. Friday was quite a stressful day where everything that could go wrong did so it may have unsettled us both.
Thanks for any replies x x x
Def sounds like a growth spurt to me. Kynon was doing the exact same last weekend but is back to normal now although he has always been a greedy boy! I thought the same about my milk so went to a support group this week and they put my mind at ease. Do you take fenugreek? That really helped and drinking and eating plenty during these spurts also helps. Rest would also be good but a bit hard when they have you up every two hours!

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I've not taken fenugreek, I'll get some this week. I did get my hubby to make me some oat flapjacks and had a lay in this morning. I hope he settles soon I love my sleep too much! X x x
If LO is attached to you all that time and not crying while on the boob that defo rules out a problem with supply. Could be growth spurt. Oz used to feed and feed then would have a period of 24-48 hours of mostly sleeping and barely feeding, would worry me sick then he'd go back to normal again.

Make sure you drink plenty of water to keep your fluids up and just go with it. If baby is happy attached to you just keep going xxx
He seems to be settling down again so I think it must have been a growth spurt, I'm hoping for some more sleep tonight! X

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