having fun tidying !!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2007
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the nesting feeling has hit me like a ton of bricks :Dim despreate to paint and put up baby stuff
weve chucked even more stuff out of the store room and its slowly staring to look like it could be habitable as a sitting/kitchentte room soon
only thing is im allergic to dust and my nose has been sneezing up a storm luckily i havnt starting itching or come up i a rash
fingers crossed i dont :pray:

cant take anything for it but im ok
the baby needs me to clean :hug:

im quiet enjoying it :shock:
and i HATE cleaning im a right lazy sod :oops: :rotfl:
Anyone esle felt the nesting bug hit them yet????
No-not like I want it to anyway!!
We are decorating the hall at the moment and I'm constantly on at DH to get some more jobs around the house done cos want it to look nice (we haven't lived here long and there's lots to do) but I'm still waiting for the manic cleaning thing to happen-I want to start emptying cupboards and clean everything but i can't be bothered!

i went to the supermarket and pushing the trolly and bending down to get stuff off the bottom shelf was an effort!! :rotfl:

Anyway-sounds like you have had a successful day getting lots done!! :cheer: :cheer:
sarah2807 said:
No-not like I want it to anyway!!
We are decorating the hall at the moment and I'm constantly on at DH to get some more jobs around the house done cos want it to look nice (we haven't lived here long and there's lots to do) but I'm still waiting for the manic cleaning thing to happen-I want to start emptying cupboards and clean everything but i can't be bothered!

i went to the supermarket and pushing the trolly and bending down to get stuff off the bottom shelf was an effort!! :rotfl:

Anyway-sounds like you have had a successful day getting lots done!! :cheer: :cheer:

yeah i know how you feel i find bending over more and more of a struggle cant get back up :rotfl:
james has done all the bending :wink:

while i watch his very very nice bottom :wink: :rotfl:
im preggers but i still love his arse yummmy :rotfl:
I make to do lists for OH :rotfl:
It's a sort of nesting :oops:
iv just totally gutted my bedrom! its taken me 5 bloody hours!!!! :shock:
I did try re-arranging it but that didnt work and iv cut my toe open lol.
Dunno what my excuse is lol....maybe im channeling all your nesting instincts lol
yep im nesting like crazy at the moment!!

I was out in the garden last week digging up plants, weeding and clearing things. Yesterday I had a frenzy in the kitchen, cleaning the cupboards etc and today im all togged out for miltoning the rest of the kitchen and attacking the oven.

Plus im going to do some more washing and ironing...

I dont know where all this energy has come from but Im going to make the most if it!!! :cheer: :cheer:

PS: just got bad shooting pain up my arse :shock: - that can't be good lol... oh well back to the cleaning lol :rotfl: :cheer:
Once i start cleaning/clearing, i cant stop....

Im no cleaning freek though
OH does most of it
Or we do it together
ive been doing looooooooaaaaads of besting at the mo, but at the weekend i did so much work that i ended up sat on my bed crying cos i was so knackered and my back hurt, lol. OH has told me not to do anything for a while :cheer:

I have the dust allergy too, for the bigger clear out jobs that are very dusty, I would use a dust mask, you can pick them up at any DIY centre and they are very useful.

Saves sneezing and snotting everywhere :rotfl:
When does nesting kick in then? I'm still waiting :rotfl:
Ha! my heads willing but I am feeling very lazy and cannot drag myself away from this blimmin computer...Does it still count as nesting if I want to do it but cant be a***ed? :rotfl:
im in full on nesting mode, ive even washed, dryed and ironed all of the baby clothes (there are loads) and ive packed my case and im only just coming up to 29wks :shock:

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