Having a nightmare time!


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2011
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Sorry I haven't been on here much but I've been having mega problems. Basically I run my own beauty room and took a girl on to help me out during mat leave and when I go back part time. I'm meant to be part time from now but I've had so many complaints about her work that I've had to let her go today. Yesterday I spent the whole day in tears on and off and didn't sleep a wink worrying what to do. I decided that it was best to get rid of her and close the salon down for a while if need be as at least then I wouldn't have any stress. I'm interviewing someone else on Monday and I'm praying she is the solution to my problem but at this rate I'm gonna be working until I go into labour :( not a good position to be in!!
I don't feel although I have time to even think about my poor little girl at the moment!
Really feel for you, I can't imagine what it is like being self employed. I hope that the lady on Monday is good enough. Obviously you have to protect your reputation. Big hug hun x

Sorry you're having a stressful time of it hun :hugs:. Keeping my fingers crossed that the lady on Monday is perfect!!!
Sorry your having such a stressful time! Hope Mondays person is good! xx
Using tapatalk so excuse the typos!
Hope this woman on Monday is the answer to ur prayers hun! Sorry u've been having such a bad time xxxxxx
Thank you girls, it's been tough. I'm just lucky my pregnancy has been great and I'm not feeling too tired. I just really wanted to be able to enjoy getting things ready for my little girl now. I hope someone is looking down on me on Monday! I hope everyone is else is getting to slow down a bit now xx
Oh no, was she new out of beauty school? I must admit I had a paraffin wax thingey on my feet and the lady nearly burnt my feet and she was new out of school

I remember your thread when you were first considering getting someone else in to cover while you rest etc. So sorry it hasn't turned out as well as hoped!

Lets hope this new girl on Monday is right for the job! x
Oh dear, not what you need right now. Hope you get sorted honey.
hope u find someone decent to do the job - theres people dying for work out there! whats wrong with people!
try your best to get someone with experience! 2 - 3 yrs!
must be hard to be able to find someone and trust them so quickly to run your business...
my OH is self employed - hes feeling the strain!
This girl ran her own beauty room in a hairdressers for 3 years then said she went mobile for 3 days per week. Thats why I chose her because of the experience and the trade test I did was fine. I don't know what's happened since but her the nails she does are just crap and I've had so many complaints which is something I've never had to deal with before. I pride myself on good service and that's why I have a busy,successful business. I decided I'd rather close than have her ruin my reputation!! A client rang me today with another girl who may be interested so please let someone be looking down on me and find me the perfect therapist!!
A friend of mine who used to teach in college just said to be the reason she left was because it was all about numbers and not quality. She was made to pass people she didn't think were up to scratch and that's why there are so many rubbish therapists out there.
Thanks for all the good luck wishes, I think I need them!! Xx
I agree and reckon you ask for customer recommendations too. I went to one lady for a pedicure that put my feet a foot spa that started smoking she turned it off and said yeah I think it's been faulty for awhile I just haven't orded a new one. Hmm didn't really want electrocuted feet. Fingers crossed this lady is amazing and you can distress and think of baby :)
Thank you Hun, there are a lot of bad, poorly qualified therapists out there. Gives us a bad name! Electrocuted feet would not be a good thing lol!!
Keeping everything crossed!!
Aw hun just seen this! I'm gutted for you, was hoping she was going to be good for you :( its so hard handing over the salon and your clients never mind finding someone to your standard, I have been lucky, the girl I took on has 10 years and has been excellent, I'm away now for 5 days and she's running my salon, this is what you need :( I really think its more luck than judgement, fingers crossed for the next girl xx
Hi twinkles, hope you're enjoying your break! It's been a nightmare and I feel so guilty for getting rid of her and leaving her with no job! Which is silly really as she could have wrecked my business.
I'm seeing two girls tomz now. One has 5 yrs experience and teaches at college but also does mobile work so I'm a little worried she may be trying to make contacts to take from my business and th other has no experience but did lovely treatments on the first interview. I'm so worried I'm going to make the same mistake.
You're really lucky to get someone with 10 yrs experience. Did you decide to employ her or self employ? X
Hey hun. How did you get on today with your interviews? Xx
Hi Hun, thanks for thinking of me! I got on really well. Both girls were brilliant and my guinea pig who they did the trade test on thought so too! Now I have to make a decision! I'm just waiting on one of the girls finding out about child care so I should know for def who's getting the job tomz! Feeling much more positive now. A guardian angel def looked down on me today! Hope you're keeping well xx
Glad today went well :)

Using tapatalk so excuse the typos!

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