Having a chilled out cycle....company welcome!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2011
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Well here i am again, 8 days into a new cycle! Thought i'd have a really good chance of catching last month, did everything i could and was super strict! But still BFN!!

Well this month i'm saying sod it!! :lol:

If i want to have a hot bath i will, if i want to have a beer in the garden after work i'm gonna!!

Probably not the attitude to have but all the ttc stressing can't be doing much good either!

I'm still gonna use cbfm and c+ on my 'peak' days. Oh and take my vits as i'm in the habit of doing them now.

But every thing else is out the window!!

I'm gonna spend my time looking through mags for wedding ideas....Oh proposed to me on thursday, still on :cloud9:

And relax.......!!:)
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Congratulations! I am trying to be chilled out, but it's always at the back of my mind.
Oh i know what you mean, i still think about it every now and then, good job too else i'd forget to use the cbfm in the morning!!

After using that tho it goes to the back of my head, til the next morning!!
Here! Here! You're plan sounds exactly what I need to be doing this cycle. Same scenario as you last month was so sure id catch because we followed all the 'rules' and also like you BFN.
X j
Congratulations hun :) We have bn trying the chilled out approach up until now with no success so we're gonna try and be a bit stricter this month, hopefully the relaxed plan works for you though, Fx xc
congrats :) the chilled out way is always the best way gd luck xxx
Massive congrulations that is great news! Have fun with the wedding mags - have you any idea on what type of wedding you want?

I am also trying to have a chill out cycle - I was the same last mouth I did all the "good" things and nothing so I agree I have to continue living and not worring if I have I glass of something with dinner!

Yay congrats on getting engaged how exciting for you! :) how you getting on with your cbfm? I'm on day 6 done my first test this morning x
WOW congratulations hun, if anything can take your mind off ttc then its defo a wedding to organise!!

Im defo chilling this month im totally with you on having a hot bath and drinking a few over the jubilee this weekend i really want a baby but its time to relax a bit and remember that i have a life besides ttc!!

Michelle. x
Congratulations on your engagement! Good luck for this month :) xx
Massive congrulations that is great news! Have fun with the wedding mags - have you any idea on what type of wedding you want?

I am also trying to have a chill out cycle - I was the same last mouth I did all the "good" things and nothing so I agree I have to continue living and not worring if I have I glass of something with dinner!


Hi i have no idea what type of wedding i want, never really thought about it before. I'm swaying towards a beach wedding abroad i think, so won't be getting hitched for a while yet. Gotta give parents time to save. Hate the idea of walking down an isle with all eyes on me, i'll end up on my face!!

Agree with the continuing living statement, the amount of times i've stopped myself from doing something because i 'might' get pregnant this month is ridiculous. When i see the positive preg test i'll give up everything and be happy to, until then i'm gonna live a little!! lol
Yay congrats on getting engaged how exciting for you! :) how you getting on with your cbfm? I'm on day 6 done my first test this morning x

Hey thanks poppy,

I'm now on day 8 on the cbfm, i've done 2 tests so far. Both showing low results which i expect this early on not due to ov until around cd16. I'm finding it really easy to use, and so much better than line spotting.

Are you using anything else to track ov?? X X
I might use the last of my digital :) ov tests when I get a peak on the machine but I will test it. I usually ov day 16ish so let's hope the machine works and we get bfp's!!!

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