Having a body crisis :(


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2007
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I fee really bad about this but i'm SO concerned with what my baby is doing to my body!! Up until now i havnt worried about getting my figure back or trying to lost weight afterwards, i think finding the stretch marks has got me right worked up.
I've always been really funny about my body, thinking im really fat, when actually if i look back at pics now i wasnt (heres me on holiday a month before i got pregnant

Now i know in my heart that someone like Dave would love me regardless of how saggy my belly, and boobs get or where my stretch marks are, but i'm actually having little "panics" about it all :wall: theres even a part of me which wants her out now to try and save any further damage, obviously that thought is quickly forgotten as i love her more
I feel really bad for it, i should be enjoying pregnancy but instead im worrying what its doing to me :( i've even considered my diet but i'm never gonna start starving her or me, and i no my weight gain isnt massive anyway. AND i'm already planning which tummy holding in pantied i'm gonna have for after she's born. WHY AM I BEING SO SHALLOW!!
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I think it's scary to have our bodies change so quickly and in a way we cannot control. I keep thinking about all the things I will do after the birth to get back into a proper shape.

What you've got to remember is that our bumps are beautiful! And when the baby comes out they will go down and a lot of people find the baby weight drops off soon after the birth - especially when breastfeeding.

As for the stretch marks, they will fade to a silvery colour and will barely be noticeable.

Your OH will probably not even notice much difference in how you look afterwards - men don't scrutinise things like us women do! And he will see you as more beautiful than ever because you are and will have carried his child!

Don't beat yourself up about it hun, it's easier said than done but try not to think of your body negatively, it's doing an amazing job!

Have some :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
abcd1234 said:
Now i know in my heart that someone like Dave would love me regardless of how saggy my belly, and boobs get or where my stretch marks are, but i'm actually having little "panics" about it all :wall:

:think: I don't want to sound out of place BUT if Dave is as great as he seems why do you still have anything to do with 'baby daddy'??

I know he is biologically the father but he's obviously not doing your selfconfidence any good so I'd PERSONALLY omit him from all the more intimate parts of the pregnancy (I mean your body changes etc not MW appts or anything like that!)

You look lovely and slim in your pic. Try not to worry too much- when you have your baby the last thing you'll be worried about is your saggy belly! :lol:
think you've got her mixed up with asd123456 - similar name but different situations!
BabyBee said:
think you've got her mixed up with asdf - similar name but different situations!

:think: nope... I do always confuse them though!

Sorry girlies... it's all the letters!
oh ok. lol. i always confuse them too.. lol
Then again i've confused myself with Bee before... lol. I blame it on my preggo brain!

But anyway, pregnancy is beautiful!!! (if not slightly painful at times, hehe)
i only see baby daddy in work now, we have met up to talk about baby and his involvement a few times but he never actually talks about her, just acts like he did when we were together ( i think he may still be in denial!)

I'm not by any means "over" him, i'd love to be but i'm not :( i dont wanna be with him, but it doesnt mean his actions arnt still hurting me.

I havnt posted about him for a while and my last one was where we ended up in bed together again :oops: , i just feel like im going around in circles with him, thats why i havnt really updated recently, he's not been in my panties recently, and wont be getting near them, luckily thats about the one thing i am managing to stay strong on lol
inforabumpyride said:
BabyBee said:
think you've got her mixed up with asdf - similar name but different situations!

:think: nope... I do always confuse them though!

Sorry girlies... it's all the letters!

Not me girls- my OH has been working in America for the last 6 months but he is back a week today :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: for good!

I can understand why it's so confusing though and like abcd1234 theres been no action in my knickers for a looooooooooong time, in fact it's probably closed up :rotfl:

i no how you feel hun, pre pregnancy i always thought i was fat but looking back i wasnt, now id do anything to get bk to how i was before, im petrified im never going to get that shape back

i seem to be gettin fatter by the day and my confidence is shrinking, i dont even want to leave the house at the moment :cry:

i cant wait for baby to be here so we can go on summer walks and i can start to loose some wieght
I was exactly the same and I worked myself into a frenzy by the end of my pregnancy. I spent each morning examining my stretch marks on my belly end was really emotional about it! I also felt so shallow about it but i now realise it's totally normal to feel insecure as pregnancy is a huge change, both physically and mentally and you are perfectly normal to be feeling the way you are. I totally understand as i too just wanted out of pregnancy and the stretch marks really panicked me.

I have always been really slim and petite and I also worried about returning back to normal. Two months on I am practically back to my normal weight/shape. Yes the stretch marks are there but they are fading more and more by the day. Also I have told myself that if after i've done having kids, i still feel down about my body then i will save up to have something done about it. Also TBH, and i really mean this, that when your little one is born your body concerns will be less important to you. You will be so busy and so consumed with love for you baby that the other things will seem less important.

Please feel free to PM me if you want to chat as i totally identify with how you are feeling :hug:
thanks for the reply hun thats made me feel loads better xx

i have been feeling exactly the same.,,,,I was a teeny 6/8 self confessed gym/exercise girl along with healthy eating, i loved having a flat tum and toned arms...call it vanity but ive put on 3stone and I am worried i won't return to normal but OH has offered to look after the baby at night a couple of hours to let me go to the gym or for a run, i think like the other girls say we will be so busy and so consumed with the baby the weight will fall off and stretch marks fade

It's natural to panic about weight gain and a change in your body becasue you have no control over it. I ate really well troughout my pregnancy but still piled the weight on (2.5 stone in total) near the end- even though I ate no more or less than normal- it's just your body taking charge for once and preparing for the birth of your baby.

3 weeks after the birth I have a saggier belly than I had pre-pregnancy but it gets less saggy by the day and I really don't care! I'm too busy feeding, changing and loving my baby! I am convinced you will feel the same. I'm also virtually back to my pre-pregnancy weight (only 2-3 lbs over it) all of the weight I gained has gone without me doing anything. I'm sure you will be exactly the same.
ASD123456 said:
inforabumpyride said:
BabyBee said:
think you've got her mixed up with asdf - similar name but different situations!

:think: nope... I do always confuse them though!

Sorry girlies... it's all the letters!

Not me girls- my OH has been working in America for the last 6 months but he is back a week today :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: for good!

I can understand why it's so confusing though and like abcd1234 theres been no action in my knickers for a looooooooooong time, in fact it's probably closed up :rotfl:


Sorry girlies! I knew one of you had an OH who worked away!! I'll try and remember which of you is which but with my preggo brain I can't promise! I called my my dad earlier - which is bizarre as i haven't seen my dad in months and i don't even call him that. lol.

I am determined to be healthier once baby is here - for her sake as much as mine! I think what's hard is not knowing how we will change physically after the birth. The unknown is scary!
I think everyone whos ever been pregnant will have had at least one moement when they look in the mirror and just think * what the helll * lol i cant wait til mine and how you react to the changes are gunna b diff for everyone, but seriously try to just enjoy being a bit different, because theres nothing you can do about it now, worry about it when you have to :) Thats my plan anyways
I'm glad im not alone in this, i have to admit, after i posted i was a little owrried someone would come on and go "yes you are selfish get over it" lol, i feel better today about my stetch marks, i looked again and they are so tiny i dont think anyone but me would notice them. I also developed my growing up ones whilst with Dave and i asked him if he ever noticed them and he said no. I cant even remember them appearing now either lol.

I guess im just finding these past few weeks carrying her has suddenly hit me! I dont waddle but i do walk very very slowely, and customers in work speed down other aisles to get in front of me cos im "in the way" it takes me ages to do something that before took about 5 mins and i hate not being totally independent as well.

I guess i just fel bad cos im moaing about my appearence, whilst some people are trying everything for this to happen to them

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