Having a bad day


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2007
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Just feel really pissed off today. I know we have the whole hormone thing going off but am feeling very sorry for myself.

I had good intention of going to work today but didn't make it in. I am coping with the morning sickness it is the tiredness that is getting to me. I just don't want to do anything.

Plus considering i am only almost 6 weeks i am putting on weight and none of my trousers/jeans fit me anymore. It just all seems so far away and not real. Am envious of those who have had scans or at least a midwife appointment.

Guess it is officially a bad day and just wanted to have a moan. Hope everyone is having a better day than me :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Im sorry you having bad day hunny, maybe a afternoon film & bed will be nice.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Sorry you are having a bad day...Hope you feel better soon...Chill out and enjoy your day off work. xxx
if it makes you feel any better...my hormones are raging so much that i can go from wanting to cry to wanting to kill in a split second!
ahhhhh these hormones they are horrid i know how you feel hun one minute im fine next i wanna stay at home and cry for no reason which it would go away.

Hope your having a better evening hun take care :hug: :hug:
Thanks for the words of support. Guess it is just one of those days. I have 7 people coming to stay this weekend too which although i love them all dearly i am upset that i am not going to be the usual life of the party.

I also need to keep on reminding myself that i am really doing this alone as he lives 3 hours away. We are putting now looking for a house together.

To those having a bad day too here is a :hug: will start a happy thread tomorrow probably :wink:

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