Having a bad day !


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2007
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sorry to come on here and moan but you guys are the only ones who will understand.

I'm just having a really horrible day today, considering the circumstances of my BFP n' all I've been just kinda rollin along with it and trying not to worry too much, but this morning i woke up with that "I'm don't feel pregnant anymore" feeling.

I really hate this, when I was pregnant on Riley I was over the moon and had very few worries as I had no idea of the problems we would have TTC a second time and hadn't even heard of a silent M/C Until my sis had one last year.
but this time round I'm on tender hooks the whole time, and I'm right royally fed up waiting to get some kind of appointment.

It probably doesn't help that I went cold turkey off my prozac 2 weeks ago when we got the BFP so I'm more than likely experiencing the downward spiral of hormones associated with withdrawl.

I just want to sit in a corner and cry or throw the telly out of the window, and DH is at work all day so poor Riley is having to deal with Mummy being moody, most of all I just want to know If baby is ok :cry:

apologies again for moaning
Oh, sorry you're feeling low. I feel like that some days too. I didn't even go into work yesterday because I felt so low. I think I won't be able to think positive until after my 12 week scan. Even then I'll most likey start to panic until I feel it move and then after that once the baby is out and healthy, then of course there's the 1st 12 months and worry of cot death and illness, then accidents and illness and then staying out all night and so on........

Why are we doing this again??? :lol: :lol:

Hope you feel better soon :hug: big hug x

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