having a bad day! thought it had to come!


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2012
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Well after not feeling to bad emotionally about my 2nd mc, today I am so sad and miserable - I miss the feeling of being pregnant and not having all the things i was looking forward to, my scan in 2 weeks and feeling baby move and all those things I was waiting for!

I keep thinking what have I done to deserve this again - I didn't walk on the school run pushing big pushchairs (all school runs were done in the car since bfp), we haven't DTD since my bfp, kept lifting to minimum etc - I have taking all the vits and doing everything I should be - it's so unfair!

I should be 11 weeks today:cry:

i also feel very angry and want to hit and punch something and then go to the top of a mountain and scream very loudly!:twisted:
I'm really sorry Hun you must feel gutted and heart broken I feel bad enough and that's without even really knowing what's going on I don't really know what to say too be honest as never been through it but regard myself really lucky must be awful if u need to vent or rant or scream feel free to pm me my thoughts r with u x
Hi hon, it is hard. I would be 13 weeks tomorrow if I had not mc my 5th last month!!

I still get days when I am sad and ask why me, what did I do wrong? It is normal but it will get better babe, I promise you.

Just take each day as it comes and cry if you need to and talk about it when you need to. You an PM any time if you do want to talk.

Take care lovely xxx
It's so horrible the feelings and emotions u g through after an mc and it will probably last till ur due date every now n then thinking I should be such n such weeks etc it's pure torture it truly is and I used to torture myself even more by going into the tris that I should be at that time :-( I should have a 15 month old and a 3 month old now and be pregnant again ben5 months pregnant but of course if I hadn't have had my first mc I wouldn't have gone in to have the 2nd and 3rd and I won't be blessed with my rainbow baby that I will get in the near future things happen fr a reason we don't know these reasons until it becomes apprent later in life but at the time of our losses life is just shit and unfair and why d we deserve this and not someone else :-( it is an emotional rollercoaster but it does get easier I promise massive hugs xxxxx
It's hard because I can't show my true feelings, I have 3 or 4 little ones here plus my own children every week day and - I can't exactly sit here screaming and crying and hitting things in front of them :( so I have to put a brave face on and hide my feelings - bottling them up really.
It does have to come out at some point though hon else you will snap in front of them.

Even if you have a cry at night when you are in bed, I do sometimes and the next day I feel somewhat better for it, you can't keep bottling it all up, its not good for you.

It really does get better though, with time but the pain never really goes away xx
oh mate you have to ave days like these to have the up days too, it will take time to adjust back again after what you have been through, just take a day at a time and get through the days as best you can and do take some time for you and oh in all this too, it's important.

It does get easier to manage, but don't be blaming yourself or looking for reasons too pin the mc on, (I wasted far too many emotions on ust that, and didn't start movong on till I gave it up)- it sadley just happened,, some thing was wrong that it couldn't progress any further. my 12 week mmc died at 9 weeks ish, they said lots of growth and major organ development happens or doesn't happen then.

Remember even now you have had two mc , that's not a pattern..
It's only natural to feel like that and you're right ..... it had to come. My thoughts are with you hun xxxx
Sorry to hear this sweetie,

You are right though, feeling like shit had to come sooner rather than later as it's all part of the grieving process.

My 2nd and 3rd losses were much earlier but I know with each loss it gets harder and harder.

You are a sensible woman and you know deep down it is nothing that you have done (or not done!!)

Miscarriages are awful but they really are natures way of preventing us suffering an even greater loss further down the line.

I know you are keen to TTC again but give yourself time to heal from this, you don't have to be brave here - it's devastating to have a loss at any time let alone at almost 11 weeks.

Big hugs

Im so so sorry I didnt realised you had had another miscarriage its awful, I used to try and stay strong after mine, I used to wait til I was I the shower and then cry fro a good half hour so hubby wouldnt know I was so devastated by it. Theres no fault in it unfortunately it happens you have been very unlucky, dont give up, but give yourself time to grieve your loss, it may have been early on but it doesnt matter, the minute youre pregnant youre already someones mum, so u deal with it as long as you need to. I really wish you all the best
Thinking of you hun. Life really sucks sometimes that's for sure.
Big hugs.
Give yourself time to grieve. You need it. Maybe plant something in the garden in memory?
Take care xxxx

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