Haven Meet!!!

cassi i know im slightly annoying but im so lazy i cant be bothered to read thro all the posts and was just wonderin a few things
are the caravans like all near each other??
are we doing meals etc per a caravan or all together ??
and stuff like that or has it not been decided
Sarah_B's_mummy87 said:
cassi i know im slightly annoying but im so lazy i cant be bothered to read thro all the posts and was just wonderin a few things
are the caravans like all near each other??
are we doing meals etc per a caravan or all together ??
and stuff like that or has it not been decided

you lazy cow. scroll back. when you do let me know i can't be arsed to look myself.
Sarah_B's_mummy87 said:
hahaha lol
cassi come online PLEASEEEE

yes come on line cassi! your help is sorely needed as neither sarah nor myself can be arsed with flicking through this thread to find out about caravans and distances to beach etc.
Flossy82 said:
Budge you stubborn old bugger you!!!! :rotfl:

HEY!!! less of the old!

Muuuuhahaha thats ok you dont know where i live though budge!!!!! :twisted:
Hun they are going to try and get us caravans as close as possible :D and its self catering so im going to bring cheap stuff from tesco :dance:
The caravans are not far from the beach,the past of the beach where all the arcades are and some rides is about a 15-20 minute walk from thorpe park!

About 10 mins away there is a a Mcdonalds and a KFC also a cinema a play place called playtowers and there's a place called jungle world which has birds and monkeys and some snakes and stuff (thats quite cheap to get in too :D )

There is also a boating lake down the road (near Jungle World) an outdoor paddling pool which is free but sometimes gets a packed and a little park near the boating lake on some sand!

It is quite nice for days out! I used to take Brooke up that way in the school holidays when DF was at work :D

EDIT: Oh forgot to mention further up where all the ardades are there is a place called Fantasy World! Its been there years, its a soft play place with a bouncy castle and a cafe! Its about £2.50 to get in and you can stay all day if you like, Brooke loves it :D
wow thanks kelly!!! mc donalds and kfc we are sorted.... :rotfl: any bars or clubs? hehehe....

Oh yeah budge did the number for the day passes get put on this thread I cant remember :oops:
Yes Plenty Of bars and a coupld of clubs, they have a night club on ther pier bit dodgy tho i haven't been for years lol

they have some good bars, there is one called fleurs they play all 70s and 80s music its always packed in there :D

Again they are all up the far end where the arcades and the pier is
Kelly S said:
Yes Plenty Of bars and a coupld of clubs, they have a night club on ther pier bit dodgy tho i haven't been for years lol

they have some good bars, there is one called fleurs they play all 70s and 80s music its always packed in there :D

Again they are all up the far end where the arcades and the peir is

yeah lovin the 70s - 80s stuff you can have a good laugh in places like that.....me and my mate used to go to reflex loads!! :D
yea it is good fun :D

I forgot to mention there's a swimming pool too!
Kelly S said:
yea it is good fun :D

I forgot to mention there's a swimming pool too!

Thanks very much for all this info kelly thats really nice of you to make such an effort :D :hug:

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