Have we done it?! :D


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2010
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Hello everyone,
First of all let me introduce myself...
I am a mummy of two beautiful children from a past relationship, a little girl who's 3 and a son who is 5. They are fantastic! But when i fell pregnant with them both me and my partner at the time weren't trying for children, we just conceived.
Me and my current partner have decided to try for a baby. We had a chemical miscarriage last month according to the nurse and so tried again this month.
I had the miscarriage/AF 10th december 2009, and that would make my most fertile time 24th,25th,26th dec if we understand correctly.

I believe i had implantation spotting 2 days ago, and again yesterday. I've been experiencing cramping and have been urinating frequently. I'm absolutely exhausted :sleep:and am rather hormonal today lol! :x
I am due on, on the 6th jan and have not done a pregnancy test since 4 days ago, which was negative.
I'm not sure if i've got signs of pregnancy and i'm not sure if i should go get an early detector pregnancy test tomorrow or wait until wednesday to see if i get my AF? kinda not sure i could wait that long :shock:

we did the baby dance on the 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th and 29th LMAO so erm... rather a lot of dancing there *aherm* :whistle:

Does it sound like perhaps we've been lucky this time?

It's driving me nuts lol i just want to know hee hee xxxx
Hi and Welcome to the forum :wave:

A first response may give a positive now but it is still fairly early. If you don't mind seeing a negative then I'd :test:
oooh I soooo don't want a negative lol!! i'll be so disappointed! Damn! i was going to test in the morning with early morning urine and pop out and get a test that is ok to use 4 days before AF is due. I wonder if it's worth just waiting another 3 days lol! i SO hope i am pregnant!! xxx
:wave: Welcome to Pregnancy Forum!

It definitely sounds like you're in with a good chance this month :yay:

Fingers crossed for you :dust:
Hello :wave: A First Response test got me a very faint positive at 6 days before AF was due, I have found them to be very good. Good luck, fingers crossed for a little bean! :)
Hi, and good luck, certainly sounds like with all that dancing you could be lol
:wave: hiya and wishing you all the luck in the world :dust:
Hmm well peeps.. i did the first response test yesterday (monday) and i'm due on tomorrow (weds) :wall2: it was negative :(

I've had cramping for the past week and today my lower back is SO achey it's ridiculous..

I really am praying my AF has taken a 9mth vacation but i just have a feeling we haven't been successfull this month :shock:

IF i, by some miracle, don't come on this week, should i test tomorrow or wait a week?

i mean perhaps the HCG levels just aren't high enough yet?xx
If you can resist then I'd not test tomorrow and give the HCG levels chance to rise a bit - if you got :bfn: today have a better chance of the :bfp: in 48hrs.

If you can resist then I'd not test tomorrow and give the HCG levels chance to rise a bit - if you got :bfn: today have a better chance of the :bfp: in 48hrs.


Hey hun thanks for your help :D
i didn't test today and ok i will sooooo try to resist testing tomorrow Haha!! I just feel like i'm putting this huge amount of pressure on myself, and it feels like my body is failing me in something it's done 3 times before? i don't know why i feel like that! If i'm not pregnant i just cannot work out how or why when we've covered my most fertile times,, infact we covered most infertile AND fertile times dammit :wall2: x
Then you've done all you can....go easy on yourself ;)
Then you've done all you can....go easy on yourself ;)
Thankyou hun :)
Me and my partner have said that we will try this year and just keep on it, then once we're married in march next year, we'll go and get some tests done to make sure that his sperm count is high enough and stuff. I'm sure there are things that we can do to help our chances of conceiving as well.

i've never "tried" to fall pregnant and now that i am, i'm finding it actually rather hard lol!! i'm spending so much time "symptom checking" it's silly lol!!! i thought i had so many signs but still a negative result was coming up i just do not get it! i'm urinating so much, tired, cramping etc... it's strange lol!!

Also.. i want to edit my signature on here but i can't find it in the options, is there any chance you could tell me where to find it? thanks so much in advance xxx
You need 10 posts first to edit your siggie hun. Then it will be an option in 'User CP' which is top left of the home page ;)

Depending on your age and other factors, on average, it can take up to 12 months to conceive when you have no problems at all. :)
Thankyou hehe that would be why i can't find it as an option then :lol:

Well i'm 25 and i've had 2 c sections, not sure if c sections affect chances.,.. well.. here's to trying anyway :shock: :) We WILL get results eventually hee hee xxx
To my knowledge sections have no bearing on TTC. You're young. Dont sweat it too much and it will come :dust:

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