Have i miscarried? Any advice please


Active Member
May 2, 2018
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Hi ladies I hope someone can advise me. I found out over 2 weeks ago I was pregnant around 5-6 weeks. The same day I found out I began brown bleeding very lightly. It got heavier and I used a pad but it didn't soak through just touched it. No pain etc. My last miscarriage was heavy blood and pain. I rang epu who said it sounded fine and there was nothing they could do to test and to just relax and wait it out. The brown never turned red and lasted 6 days.

I tested again this morning with fmu on a frer and the line was very faint. It was super dark when I got my bfp. Does this mean I have miscarried? I had resigned myself that I had but epu gave me hope so feel even more disappointed now.
It’s hard to know for sure. Maybe take another test in a couple of days to see what that says. Sorry I can’t help more.
I can only echo what lucyr has said, other than that ask your GP to do a test? It could just be that your urine was more dilute and that’s why the line was fainter, or a dodgy test, brown blood tends to be old blood so if there was no bright red then that’s a good sign at least x
The brown blood won't have been a miscarriage. Take another test and see if it's super faint again. If you have a few tests that are way fainter then your HCG is dropping and you probably will miscarry soon. I'm so sorry. I hope your urine was just too dilute or that test was dodgy. x
Thank you for your replies. I'm just so confused and feel like im in complete limbo. I rang epu again who said I'd need to go to a walk in or my gp for bloods so that's a better response than I got last time. I may well go to walk in later and wait because I can't carry on like this xx
If you could get two blood tests 48hrs apart that would at least let you know what your hormones are doing. Will they not give you a scan?
At this point in your pregnancy you can experience the “hook effect”— basically hcg gets so high that the test lines begin to get fainter. Doesn’t sound like it makes sense right? But it’s a thing! So home HPTs won’t be reliable this far along, so a blood test would be best. Good luck!
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Thank you im currently sat in the doctors they're taking a urine sample and are asking another doctor if I can have bloods so we shall see! They're saying because im not 'Bleeding' they might not do the blood test. I'll update. Thanks again ladies really appreciate your advice xx
So to update they refused to do bloods saying it won't tell them anything and it's too early for a scan. Told me to wait 2 weeks and go back. So booked a private scan for next Wednesday
What a bunch of jerks, they're totally wrong! Blood tests will show if your HCG is going up or down, which is pretty important.. Are you in the U.K.? It seems they don't give a crap about pregnant women if they're earlier than 12 weeks. I hope your private scan shows a healthy baby.
Yes the UK! I was so frustrated I ended up in tears. I even saud to him but I thought you could see the levels and he said it could give me false hope! He also said not to worry as I have two other children...thanks that's very helpful! Thank you winterwolf this week is dragging already hope you're feeling ok xx
Omg what!? It doesn't matter if your pregnancy progresses because you already have two kids? What a horrid thing to say!! I'd be fuming. I'm sorry you're stuck in limbo.

I'm feeling a bit rubbish but that's ok, means baby is doing well in there. Do you have any pregnancy symptoms yet?

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