Have i done the right thing opting out of MMR?

Ruthy said:
I dont think your a bad mum. :hug:
One thing though,try and do it private,autism risk is really high.
was just wondering where you got this from?, I think it is quite dangerous to make strong statements like that with no evidence to back it up

I completely agree that it is an individual dicsision, both my girls have had the mmr and Freya will also have it.
My main concern is that the diseases it protects from, are particularly nasty and on the increase due to poor uptake of the vaccination. I feel the odds of them getting one of those is far greater than the risk of autism.
EllieG said:
Ruthy said:
I dont think your a bad mum. :hug:
One thing though,try and do it private,autism risk is really high.
was just wondering where you got this from?, I think it is quite dangerous to make strong statements like that with no evidence to back it up

I agree, please show us proof if you want to make statements like this.
I know kids that had it done sepreatly bu still have autism
Yeah and the age that autism usually becomes apparent is also the age at which lots of babies have MMR, so I can understand that people may link the 2, but who's to say the autism wouldn't have become apparent without the MMR?
f you are only worried about the pain of the needle I would think about the pain of her getting measles or something later... it can do terrible things to babies

this is the way i think of it when D has his jabs...I don't want him hurt but do want him protected..

could your hubby who doesn't get your anxieties not take your LO at least he won't be so anxious?
Urchin said:
EllieG said:
Ruthy said:
I dont think your a bad mum. :hug:
One thing though,try and do it private,autism risk is really high.
was just wondering where you got this from?, I think it is quite dangerous to make strong statements like that with no evidence to back it up

I agree, please show us proof if you want to make statements like this.

Me too, last I heard they had said there is NO PROVEN LINK. I'd like to evidence of the link please......
I dont know that i could let DH take her i think i'd make myself ill with worry. My completely irrational fear of her having injections is ridiculous, i know it and you all know it, it makes me mad.

But i'm also petrified of moths, i could handle being in the army, i could handle people shooting at me but if a moth touched me i'd nearly die of fright.... :wall: :wall: :wall:
i wasnt going to let hannah have it done as you prob read earlier in this thread but we have had a measels outbreak in sheffield and that scared me more than her having the injection which she had 3 weeks ago, i have taught loads of autistic children in the past and not one of their parents thought the injection had anything to do with their childrens condition. i think it is a mothers choice and dont thing either choice makes anyone a bad mum.
Im not opting out of the mmr as it didnt do stephen any harm. but its ttoally up to you and you shouldnt feel any pressure. Maybe though think about getting the injections done seperately though as these illnesses could potentially make her feel so much worse then the quick sting of a needle.
My baby girl has her injections next week and im dreading them cos i know they will hurt her but id rather that then her get really poorly x
both Georgia & Josh had the MMR & so will Louie very soon as he is 12 months now, but i am dreading it!
Ivehad the mmr and so has ella and i would give any future children it too. Id rather her have one injection than the posibility of 3 severe illnesses

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