Is this a normal thing?


Aug 26, 2006
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My daughter is 6, she will be 7 next comming january.
But for the past like 3-4 months she has been lieing alot..
DOing things she normally dont do.
I go to school at night and she's here with her little brother and daddy.
Ive been in school for a while so she is use to that.
But i ask her something and she just says no i didnt do it, i as her who did, she says i dont no, then i ask her with a "mommy tone" and shes says ok ok i did..

DO they go threw a lieing stage? shes got it real bad, what should i do? or is it an attition thing?

Does sound like attention seeking especially if she's doing more things naughty that is usual. Does she feel left out with your partner and son like theyre doing "guy things" which she doesnt feel included in whilst youre at school? Make a point of asking her first when you get home how she is and what she's done even if you're tired as kids are very sensitive and kids love one to one attention. I used to have "girlie nights" where I'd let my daughter do my hair and make up (even if I looked like a clown!) Even if its just once a week she'll know its HER exclusive time and will look forward to it :)
Emily went through a horrible lying stage at around 6yrs old
and it would be about the stupidest things eg; have you hung your uniform up? 'yes mummy' no she hadn't
Have you brushed your teeth? 'yes' No she hadn't!!!! Grrr so frustrating

what things has she been doing that she doesn't normally do?

I deff think it is a stage they go through, and it is sometimes for attention though why i dunno as Em had all my attention all the time, i would understand it more now as i have Jack
I'm going through this now with my 6 yar old so it does sound like it's just a stage they go through. It's silly things she lies about when i know there is no way anyone else could of done it. She is also getting really cheeky at the minute and has started being sarcastic.
Thanks for all the replies...

Some things she's doing other then lieing, like in the middle of the night she gets up, goes downstairs pokes the thawed meat that were having for dinner later, or she will get the juice out and put it in the bathroom, the other day she got in my big bag of all nail polish and all the stuff you use with it, she painted her toe nails with my lip gloss,
they last night she took my laundry scooper and poored water all over the hall way (tile thank god), and I know it was not my son cuz he has a gate on his door.

I just started thinking, My son gets alot of attition, because he is special needs child, not majorly tho, and well he has appts all threw the week, and his appts are fun things thearpy and stuff, hmm maybe its a stage thing, and shes doing it worser.

And she has been starting to talk very smart, then when i call her on it she laughs!, like the other day i said go get your brothers cup out of his room, she said its right there stupid, Duh' I was so shocked, her da works 4 , 10 hour days, and she dont do this to him, except the lieing part!

I think I'll try a girly night and see what happens!


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