Have a laugh at me, pregnancy brain!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2010
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Last night I turnt the oven on to heat it up and didnt realise that I'd left a slice of pizza in there from lunchtime.....Basically my flat filled up with smoke :shock: So I went out to the kitchen opened up the oven to find a fire in it, so I turned the oven off grabbed Jacob ran outside and rang my Dad!! My Dad was more concerned taking the p*ss outta me but luckily my lovely neighbour came and put it out for me :lol: I've gone off pizza now and my oven is just a tad black inside.....lol
Lol! Oh dear me!!! x x x he he he x x proper lol at this x my OH is still taking the piss out of me for putting the remote in the fridge! x x
OMG that mustvebeen such a fright! I never put stuff back in the oven anymore cos I KNOW I would do exactly the same thing. Im so forgetful I nearly forgot to go to work on monday :rofl:
I know, I felt like such a numpty asking me neighbour to put it out lol x
I'd have done the same ...fire scares me no matter how small and if it did start to go alight then you did right and instinct was to grab LO. Nice of your neighbour :D
Thanks Wobbles :lol:
I'm absolutely petrified of fire no matter how big or small :(
I am too I'd have been out like a shot! I threw a deep fryer out my back door once, I've watched a small flat set on fire and an ex of mine set the kitchen on fire with me in bed zzzzz a few years ago (beephead) if it wasn't for the shop next door with a fire extinguisher goodness knows if I'd still be here.

I have a bad habit of unplugging things making sure the gas hobs are off, etc.

I nearly set the toaster on fire 2 weeks ago, I was close to piddling my pants, heart racing :lol:! Left a plastic bowl on top (4 slicers) whist I stuck 2 slices in one side *sniff sniff*! :shock:
I am too I'd have been out like a shot! I threw a deep fryer out my back door once, I've watched a small flat set on fire and an ex of mine set the kitchen on fire with me in bed zzzzz a few years ago (beephead) if it wasn't for the shop next door with a fire extinguisher goodness knows if I'd still be here.

I have a bad habit of unplugging things making sure the gas hobs are off, etc.

I nearly set the toaster on fire 2 weeks ago, I was close to piddling my pants, heart racing :lol:! Left a plastic bowl on top (4 slicers) whist I stuck 2 slices in one side *sniff sniff*! :shock:

Awww Wobbles, no wonder you're scared of fire hun :hug: No I always check my hobs are off, wish I had an electric one tbh :) x
I set the grill on fire making bacon butties a few months ago!! I ran and shouted for my OH and he calmly turned the grill off and the fire went out while I was flapping around like a mad woman! ha ha ha

Oh and i'm forever re-heating stuff that i've forgotten to take out of the oven too!! We have 6 cats and if we have leftovers we automaticlly put them back in the oven or in the mirowave otherwise 1 in particular will help himself to the lot!! He even drinks blackcurrant!?! lol The amount of times i've gone to heat up some weetabix for brekkie and found random food sitting in the microwave!! lol

Don't it's not funny! lol

He also eats melon and raw pumpkin!! Seriously I think if he knows it's edible he'll eat it! Even if he doesn't like it!!

The funniest thing he did was....

We had a chinese a while ago and my OH bought a duck chow meain (his fave) to have for lunch the next day so he put it into the microwave to cool down before putting it into the fridge. I remined him to stick it in the fridge before he came up to bed and remember him putting it on the side above the fridge while he got a drink but I went up to bed and left him to it .....

The next morning he shouted up 'have you seen my chow mein?' so I said he'd put it in the fridge the night before. Turns out he'd forgotton and the cat had dragged it off the side and bitten through the plastic tub and only eaten the duck!! The noodles were still neatly packed in the tub!! I was in stitches of laughter watching my OH trying to lecture the cat who was just staring at him thinking 'WTF are you saying to me?' lmao!!

:rofl: Sounds a bit like my dog, my Dad went to the chippy one night for a fish supper.....My Dad went to pick the chips up off of the table to serve them and our dog sneakily came along innocent as anything and grabbed his bit of fish and took it under the sofa to eat it :rofl:
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Ha ha ha my cat has nicked a kebab before! He ate through the foam container to get to it!! Oh and pizza! We seriously can't leave any food out or he'll nick it!! lol

Another one of our cats (the greedy one's Mum) has a strange obsession with crisps!! If I open a packet she literally stalks me until I give her one!! Her fave is chilli heatwave doritos!!?!! She was actually eating crisps with me 2 hours before she gave birth to a litter of 4 kittens!! lol

Hahaha my other dog she sits on crisp packets to open them :lol: shame they dont like healthy snacks lol
Hahaha my other one eats ice lollies too holds it between his paws and licks it :lol: animals do make me laugh lol x
one of my cats has a thing for green beans, he spends about 30 minutes flinging one about in the air before settling down for a good munch. At least it's a healthy snack I guess! Another has a thing for croissants and will physically crawl all over you until she gets some. The other one (there are 3) doesn't really have any strange food habits, but one of the dogs loves melon and frozen peas!

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