I really shouldnt laugh


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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but i did...

My 19yr old son came in starving last night and luckily i had saved him a large piece of pizza that i had got from Iceland, it really was a nice one.
He heated it up and got it out the oven and put it on the side, after a little nibble he came in the lounge asking where it had come from as it was 'lush', he said its the nicest pizza he has had in ages and just what he needed as he was starving.
He went back into the kitchen and the next i heard was f#####g dog, oi you fat b###h get out etc etc, yep the dog had ate the lot.
While he was telling us how nice it was the dog was in the kitchen enjoying it :lol:
We could see the funny side but it took him a lot longer :rotfl:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: i love how we all talk to the dogs like they speak fluent english

Bet she was wel offended, fat bitch ! :shakehead: :rotfl: Luckily she had the pizza to take her mind off it eh !
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
awwww he must of been looking so forward to eating the last bits. i remember when my dog ate my pasta when i was pregnant. lets just say never mess with a pregnant ladies food!
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: im laughing so much im crying and it hurts, as ive just had an operation and my stitches cant cope with me laughing.ouch :rotfl:

Poor love . Bet the dog was laughing too! :lol:

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