Has this happened to you before? *UPDATED WITH GOOD NEWS*


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2007
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My husband keeps worrying about money and it's making him miserable.

Since we've moved, we've had to make a few sacrifices in terms of money, going out etc... because our place was unfurnished and we had to buy everything, now we don't really have savings. But I'm enjoying the whole experience - we have furniture that belongs to us as a couple, decorating the house is exciting etc. but his bank accound is really affected and i keep telling him that things will go better in november/december when i get my maternity allowance and some money from my ex landlord etc. but he keeps worrying, and he's becoming cold, he doesn't talk much etc.

has this happened to any of you before? what did you do to sort it out?




My husband just got promoted!

A while ago he applied for a new position at his workplace (he works as a French teacher in a secondary school) and they have now made him ICT coordinator on top of all the other responsibilities he already has.

Every 3 months he will receive 500pounds more on his salary, which is great for us at the moment, especially since the baby is coming in December.

The mood has slightly changed in the house although he still seems a bit tense as the first 500pounds payment will only arrive in 3 months time but I'm glad he succeeded.

Thanks for your help ladies...
Its happening to us now :lol:

He's probably stressed about it and thats making him seem cold, especially as you have just got married and have a baby on the way - he maybe thinks he has let you down somehow. Which obviously he hasnt its just how men think sometimes :roll:

We sat down and created a spreadsheet listing all our outgoings and income, and realised that we arnt actually in trouble we just were spending too much on silly little things that all add up, and now we know exactly what we can spend each week and exactly how much all our bills come to things are a lot easier - its the uncertainty that causes the stress I think.

I wouldnt take it personally babe, its just how men react sometimes. I hate generalising but I think some things are almost certain lol.

Maybe show him that you appreciate all the little things you have together, the little joys in life that cost nothing, and he'll realise that what you 2 have together is so much more important :hug:
glitzyglamgirl said:
We sat down and created a spreadsheet listing all our outgoings and income

This is exactly what I do. I know whats coming in and going out. I know how much money we have and if we can afford what we need. I put away money each month for bills, car tax, extras, etc so when a bill comes in I know I already have the money in savings to pay for it. I even put money away each month for christmas and brithdays. Spreadsheet is a very good idea :D
My poor DH does this... but then we seem to swing between one of us worrying about it and the other not..while the one whos not worrying supports the one that is...

We've just moved house too, and having to buy furniture new too... We are enjoying it, but part of being an adult and having your own place, kids etc, is worrying about money...

My mum and dad used to worry about it all the time, especially after they brought their first house together and they still worry over money 30years later... When you're not living with mum and dad anymore and not being supported, then yer...you worry.

I can't suggest what to do because it will always be something on your minds, just to be there for him, comfort him, keep telling him it will be ok because it will... you may struggle, but you will survive... :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Men do seem to go all cold when they worry, but its not anything to do with you..
i can sympathise coz we hav money shortage but i cant really advise coz neither of us worry about it too much. we a bit silly really we live champagne lifestyle on lemonade money :roll:
hope u can get him 2 open up tho and support each other & he feels better soon :hug:
Thatc brilliant news im so pleased that things are looking up for you!!! :cheer: :hug:
Fantastic news hun :D A huge weight lifted no doubt :hug:
Hi Hon,
So glad your hubby got his promotion.. :dance:
I think when you loose an income, or money depreciates whilst pregnant it is a worry, Im goign thru this at the mo.

You will get thru it, remember its a temp period.....................................

And remember, money isnt everything you and your families hapiness and health are worth far more..


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