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Has anyone tried baby rice very early?


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2006
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Going to speak to HV about Eefie, he's driving me nuts! He's on aptimal extra for hungry babies and the box says for his weight he should be having 5 feeds at 6oz. Yeah right! He has 6-7 feeds plus water or diluted pure orange and has 6-8oz and is CONSTANTLY rooting for more so often has "top ups". He stuffs his hand in his mouth and never settles. He doesnt sleep much in the day, just snoozes and when he starts crying if I dont respond immediately he goes into a full blown rage :?
With DD if she whinged I left her and she'd mostly settle back down again within a few seconds, not Eefie he has the place up. I get no peace in the day as if I put him down he kicks off again so have him glued to me or I'm back and two like a yo yo. Add to this he's got colic and forget evening colic, it usually starts mid afternoon.

Sometimes when you give him a bottle he gulps on it like he's not been fed in hours and you just fed him an hour before! Its like I'll feed him wind him, change him then try to settle him which he wont do because he's got more wind so you wind him some more, try to settle him and by the time you finish he's nearly due for the next feed. I've had a feel of his gums and no sign of teeth or anything but he just doesnt seem satisfied.
Sleeping through the night? Forget it! Usually wakes at around 4am wanting another feed. He did go one night from 12.30-7.30 but was such a grouch the next day.

I keep thinking to give him some baby rice see if that settles him a bit more. Anyone been advised to do this or anyone know why he's so bloody hungry all the time??? If it wasnt for the colic I probably would have done it already!

(BTW he's 7 weeks and has gained nearly 5lb since birth and in the 91st percentile)
Hi Minime, I am no expert but I did read that colicky babies often ask to be fed constantly because it temporarily relieves the colic symptons and then that in turn makes them feel worst as there tummy's are always full. Have you tried to settle him with a dummy? Poor thing sounds like he's in a lot of pain. Have you tried infacol for the wind?

I really feel for you as Leorah was a very unsettled baby and the HV and docs were no help and I had to work out for myself what was wrong with her in the end. Perhaps there is a more gentle milk that might be easier on his tummy? Sorry if I have onlý stated the obvious. I really hope your HV is helpful, I found the problem to be if your baby puts on plenty of weight they just label them "colic" babies and say there is nothing you can do but I am convinced there almost always is!

Hope you find a solution soon :hug:
He's had infacol since about 2 weeks and dummy from day 1 lol! Thank god for dummies, I'd have lost my marbles without them! We just started a bit of gripe water too. Its like as soon as you get wind up and there is a tiny space in his tum he wants it filling :?

I know when the colic starts mid afternoon he gripes and wants feeding to feel better only it makes him worse but him wanting more food is from the first feed of the day about 4am and its all the time, if he hasnt got a dummy in he stuffs his hand in his mouth and gouges at his face until he gets fed, scratch mitts dont fit anymore so we try to keep his nails short as possible.

He was on aptimal first but that clearly want enough for him so HV said step him up which we did. I'm getting scared to go out in case he wakes up between feeds as as soon as he does he wants feeding NOW and kicks off.

What was wrong with Leorah?
What bottles are using?

Stanley was really unsettled until we moved him onto the Dr Browns.
Avent with number 2 teat.

I keep thinking of him as that triffid from little shop of horrors "Feed me Seymore!" :lol:
I had this with my 2nd, he was 6lb 13oz at birth and by the time he was 7 to 8 weeks old he was draining 9oz bottles so we had to put him onto baby rice and wean him early, it made such a difference. If your unsure then have a chat with your health visitor xx
It turned out that Leorah is intolerant of the proteins from milk and soya, I breastfeed so avoid eating these things but there are formulas for babies that have this though they taste rank. You could ask your doc if you could try one as it may be more gentle on the stomach, we tried to give Leorah one called Nutramigen but she was having none of it!! Another woman from my mother group has a baby that had exactly the same and he is now on nutramigen and he gets on fine with it and no longer has any wind and settles really well, in fact he is a really chilled out baby whereas Leorah suddenly improved with wind and started napping etc but she's still a drama queen :lol:

I do have to say I just read your message back and you have described Leorah to a T before I found out what was wrong. If it is the milk you will see a difference almost immediately. I went on an elimination diet and suddenly it was like she was catching up on all the sleep she'd missed since birth and was smiley and could settle.

You could also try colocynth for the wind, it's a homeopathic remedy that some of the mums on the forum have tried with great success. I do hope your HV is helpful, it sounds like poor Eefie is having a lot of discomfort and I know how drained and fed up you must be. I am sure there will be a reason for this and that you can both get some relief, be insistant that you want to get to the bottom of it with your HV, I really stamped my feet and had some tantrums when people told me it's normal for babies to cry :roll: Not that it did much good in the end but as soon as I found out what was wrong everything improved. If you want to know more feel free to PM :hug:
Yesterday he was hysterical most of the day except the hour when OH comes home for lunch :roll: I actually taped him having a fit to prove I wasnt imagining things! By 6pm I was frazzled and tried him with some baby rice and OMG! He was sooooo settled, had a bottle at 8.30 and didnt wake up till 5.30 this morning :cheer:
I dont think its a milk intolerance, a friend of mine had this with her son.

He's constantly draining bottles and rooting for more, stuffs his hand in his mouth and the cry is a feed me cry. I'll give colocynth a try as infacol doesnt seem to do that much, dr said it only works in 50% of babies, obviously he's the wrong 50%
Also noticed that when I take off his nappy he really lets rip :lol: I give him some time with nappy off and move his legs about, seems to clear a lot of it!

Thanks girls
Sounds like you're having a nightmare :hug: can't give much advice coz everyones different to if they feel comfortable giving solids early or not, saying that we started Jamie on baby rice at 12 weeks & it did wonders. Also my Mum started giving me solids at 7 weeks old coz I was a pain & always wanted more milk, she said it helped alot!
Baby rice is practically milk anyway so if it does the job then it does the job!! :D
We used to give Jamie gripe water & that helped shift the wind alot, never tried Infacol tho. :think:
Aren't you supposed to wait until after six months to give orange juice? It's very acidic so maybe it's making the wind worse?
Just a thought.......
Minime said:
Going to speak to HV about Eefie, he's driving me nuts! He's on aptimal extra for hungry babies and the box says for his weight he should be having 5 feeds at 6oz. Yeah right! He has 6-7 feeds plus water or diluted pure orange and has 6-8oz and is CONSTANTLY rooting for more so often has "top ups". He stuffs his hand in his mouth and never settles. He doesnt sleep much in the day, just snoozes and when he starts crying if I dont respond immediately he goes into a full blown rage :?
With DD if she whinged I left her and she'd mostly settle back down again within a few seconds, not Eefie he has the place up. I get no peace in the day as if I put him down he kicks off again so have him glued to me or I'm back and two like a yo yo. Add to this he's got colic and forget evening colic, it usually starts mid afternoon.

Sometimes when you give him a bottle he gulps on it like he's not been fed in hours and you just fed him an hour before! Its like I'll feed him wind him, change him then try to settle him which he wont do because he's got more wind so you wind him some more, try to settle him and by the time you finish he's nearly due for the next feed. I've had a feel of his gums and no sign of teeth or anything but he just doesnt seem satisfied.
Sleeping through the night? Forget it! Usually wakes at around 4am wanting another feed. He did go one night from 12.30-7.30 but was such a grouch the next day.

I keep thinking to give him some baby rice see if that settles him a bit more. Anyone been advised to do this or anyone know why he's so bloody hungry all the time??? If it wasnt for the colic I probably would have done it already!

(BTW he's 7 weeks and has gained nearly 5lb since birth and in the 91st percentile)

at his age baby adding baby rice to his diet is likely to upset his tummy and make him more irritable. It may also make him fat too.
It was the health visitor that told me to give orange. Has to be pure orange diluted 1 part to 6. I give him the proper stuff from the fridge not the concentrate type.

Saw HV, one said well ummm, the risks are he may develop allergies and eczema, the other older one said they used to start baby rice from 9-12 weeks, now its 17 and she would have done exactly the same in my position and suggested i also try baby porridge as its very filling.

I have had sooo much peace today he's been a little star, all smiles and gurgling :D
Ive got a different child! He's so much happier now, very content and settled during the day and sleeping a lot more at night, still drinking 8oz at a sitting but much much better :cheer:

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