Has anyone kept their babies name a secret...


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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...and been glad they did as they changed their mind once she/he was born?
Or regretted it because someone else who was due before you chose the name you had in mind? x x

I have chosen to keep my names a secret for fear that someone else will steal them! There are so many people due around the same time as me that it just seems best to keep schtum for now! This way if someone picks my names then its purely a coincidence...
I'm keeping my name choices a secret incase anyone else choose the same one, or incase we change our mind.
We are not telling people either and we want to see him first, i think it will save from people expressing their opinion
Yep ours is a secret, everyone knows we r having a boy but no idea what the name is :) my ohs footy team are placing bets lol!! My mum keeps asking but we r not telling anyone until he is here!! :)
We didn't but I wish we had. It's nice to have something for yourself, especially if you find out the sex and people know what you are having. Future baby names will be kept secret :) xxx
We kept charley's name a secret and I'm glad! Everyone has an opinion with names and it's always that they don't like it so we didnt tell anyone apart from the girls on here. It also made it quite exciting the fact that no one knew and as soon as I had him everyone wanted to know his name x x
i have told the girls on here and family and a couple of close friends. that is it though. didnt want it all over facebook etc. would like to be able to announce his birth with his name, time and weight. xxx
We're not telling anyone our choices either, don't want anyone stealing them or making negative comments, I'm sure people won't comment so much on our choices one baby is here! Be gutted if someone chooses our boys name though before us as we both really like it!
we won't be telling anyone. Purely because I don't want anyone's opinion unless I ask for it. Last time I was pregnant we told people the names we like and they picked holes constantly, my own parents were the worst! This time we are not telling until s/he is born and has the name already! lol x
Thanks ladies you have definetly made me feel better about keeping little misses name a secret until she arrives :) x x

we only told my mum, it was a secret from anyone else because people can be so forthcoming and negative with their opinions even when u dont ask for it!
There has been so many times ive nearly posted her name on here and resisted Jenny, im going to see how much longer I can resist for as i really would like to keep it a secret, you will be the first to know if i crack :) x x

oooooh, I've already posted all my names on here :rofl:
I don't class PF as secret - just no one i "know" knows :lol: but when posting them on PF I was actively looking for opinions ;-) x
In that case i might re-think my choice of not posting it on here if it doesnt count, i think im scared of it slipping out on fb as i really dont want any of my family or close friends to know x x

our lo didnt have a name until he was 5 days old! marley was our original choice but everyone had such negative comments that we were frantically trying to think of a name to please them whilst in the hospital! in the end we went with our original choice & im glad we did cos he is deffo a marley and wouldnt change it for the world! i deffo agree that its best to keep it secret from friends and family as everyone has opinions! (you have to share with the of ladies tho!) heheh
We're keeping our a secret from everyone. Not even close family/friends will know x
I just think that it's nice for just me and OH to know, I don't really want people calling our baby by name before it's born, i don't know why, i just dont x

Of course i'll tell you guys, but I don't want anyone else knowing xx
I'm terrified that i pick a name and keep it secret and someone else in life or on this forum picks it too, I think i'll need to think of 2 names for each sex just incase, dont want ppl thinking i've been copying them lool

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We're keeping ours secret.
Have only told close friends and family our two choices :)
I don't want anyone stealing my ideas! xxx

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