Has anyone had a molar pregnancy?


Active Member
Aug 28, 2013
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Before you read this i recommend that you read my previous threads and it will give you an idea as to what I have been through before this update/question. Since then I have had another major bleed with heavy clots exactly like last time :( I went to hospital on the 28th with the excessive bleeding and had more blood tests/urine tests and they came back that i had hcg/bhcg still in my system... its been 15 weeks since we thought we had concieved. Anyways... the docs are thinking now that it is a molar pregnancy. I have been registered with Charing Cross in London. This is the last i heard since the 29th. No follow up letters from hospital and no letters from Charing Cross. I feel like im in limbo at the minute not knowing what type of molar pregnancy but generally very worried about everything:eh:. what about pregnancy after molars? contraception during molars? i dont think i can wait 6 months it will feel like forever i just want a baby :(((
My Cousin had a partial molar pregnancy, discovered at 16 weeks - nearly all tumour and part baby (sorry I know this is horrendous). 3 months later she was pregnant with her daughter, who is now 8 and very healthy. That said, she got a total roasting from her consultant because there was a stronger likelihood of a molar reoccurring so soon after the last pregnancy. Anyway, it's a very personal choice and I will keep my fingers crossed for you xx
My sil had a molar pregnancy, there was no sign of a baby at her 12 week scan when she found out :( she had to wait the 6 months for the all clear which I know was a really long time and dragged for her and my brother but Im happy to say she got pregnant first month after the wait and I now have a lovely 2.5 year old niece. Hope everything works out for you x

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