Has anyone ever been to see a medium????


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2010
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Hi guys, has anyone ever been to one or had a Reading that they thought was good bad ?? Just wondered what your experiences were ? :oooo::oooo:
Eh yes. Just before Christmas we had someone round who was recommended by a work colleague. I'm pretty open minded. He did a tarot reading and then passed on any 'messages' to some people in the group (it was all done on an individual 1:1 session). So basically he told me I had a long and troubled relationship which was over and my current one was much shorter but will last, and this is the person I should have children with (just as well!) which is again true. And then he said I would have two boys, and kept coming back to that, about children and pregnancy. He eventually said I'd have the first sooner than I thought, in fact this year (all going well, true again!) and he also said my grandad was grinning from ear to ear about my 'secret' (I hadn't told my folks yet!). And all when I was just gone 11 weeks pregnant. I ended up having to tell the other girls I was pregnant cause I came out of the session in such a state. Not that it was scary, just that he seemed to get so many things right. Oh and I wasn't showing at all at the time, still in my normal clothes. I've heard it's not recommended while you're pregnant though, and would have thought twice about it if I'd heard that before hand!
Yes Ive seen two, the last one was an Irish lady in Perth, Australia. It was again Tarot on a 1:1 basis lasting 30 mins. Everthing she said was accurate, even down to our migration back to the UK. Way too much to go into here but she was very informative about lots of things. My friend and boss at the time who came with me was told about her little girl who had died aged 1, she knew everything which was impossible to know if you didnt know Deb and even then she didnt disclose freely to anyone. Deb was really comforted by it :)
Cool I was just wondering as I went to one in nov and she said she saw me preggers which I found out I was in jan and I also saw anothr lady back in aug who told me something that I really want to be true ( will explain all later, too bloomin long) but she went into so much detail of something she couldn't of known anything about!! :) just a worrying time for me at the min x x x
Ive seen 2, they wasnt very good, im going to see a different one on wednesday and ive been told shes very good, so fingers crossed.
i would like to see 1, but im afraid of getting conned, and not sure how to find one. anyone know of any mediums in or around coventry?
I've seen 2 whilst I was in guernsey. I was 17 then 21. When I was 17 they said loads of stuff which didn't make any sense to me at the time but it has all fallen into place since, specific stuff. The one thing that hasn't come true as yet is, they both told me that I would have 4 children (lmao) and that this would include a set of twins (they do run in the family) - but obv I've not been keen on that up til now. My friend knows one from Scotland who apparrently is scarily accurate - not fortune telling but acting as a medium between the living and dead.
I'd be interested in seeing one, but never have before so don't know how to go about it to make sure you get someone recommended.
my mum is one which is fun! iv had readings from quiet a few thru the spiritualist church alot of which has been spot on but my mum doest read for me as she finds family particularly hard to do although she does my tarot she done me a brill card reading me asking when id have a baby[trying for yrs n yrs] and got told it would happen sooner than i think the empress card came up which is baby card and then 2 months but i turned out to be 2 wks lol
I think the best way to find one that is reliable and trusted is by word of mouth. Some spiritual churches hold meetings and will prob be able to give you some contacts - worth going to a meeting actually, I found it highly entertaining and good fun as well as being spookily interesting!
Ooooh serenity do u think she could look into somethin for me??? Bloody desperate here xxxxx
Yeah you're right RM, my cousin used to go to the spiritualist meetings. My friends and I saw someone who was recommended by a work colleague.
Hia thought id give my litle imput..
my friend went to see one couple weeks ago, who told him he wasnt going to have kids, or get married, when he asked why she said she wasnt sure he should know, but he said he wanted to, and she told him that he wasn going to make it to 22. hes 18 now :/
Hes constantly aware of every corneer and stuff, so personally i think there no good!!

Oh my god ones that tell you things like that are not real and he should of just walked out!!!
really?? :O asif. he payed £25 for his cards read aswell!
He is so superstitious of everything too, he feels like death is waiting for him, poor guy il tell him that it was probably not true
there not supposed to tell you bad things! they can tell you to be on your guard at certain times but they should never say things like that, how awful!! I have seen loads of mediums, some good, some bad. One told me that i would have 3 children and all would be boys, i was about 20 at the time and had no intention of having ANY kids but here i am 10 years later waiting to deliver my 3rd boy :) xx

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