Has anyone else got Symphis pubis dysfunction/pelvic girdle pain??


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2011
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Hi, was wondering if anyone else had the same as me Symphis pubis dysfunction? (SPD) URGH ITS SO PAINFUL!! for who dont no its where the body realeases too much pelvic softening hormone and its so painful! i have to wear a support belt under my bump around my pelvis, bt i dont think it works and could end up on crutches. :( i wanted to no if anyone else gets it and if anyone has any tips? i have a bath most nights but even getting out of the bath is turning out to be painful, i also am seeing my physiotherapist on Tuesday so fingers crossed she can give me more tips!!
totally symathise with u hun,iv got it severly stuck in bed,got the support belt and have to use crutches.ive even been offered an induction next week if i want it thats how bad i am at the min.the pain is really gettin me down.xxx
i have this, 3rd pregnancy and it seems it gets worse with each pregnancy. Baths are helping but no cure unfortunately :( i get bad pain after i have taken my daughter to school then sit down for 5 mins then itys agony xx
Argh its very painful, i had never heard of it before. im worried to be on crutches too :(
I have it and am at physio Wednesday. It feels like I've been kicked 100 times in my lady bits all the time. Getting up or in and out of bed is a killer!
i have not had it so bad i have had to go on crutches as it would be a nightmare looking after 2 kids on them... Im hoping it doesnt get much worse but feeling for you both as its deffinately not nice xx
i actually burst into tears the other day infront of mw doctor and student when they wanted me to get up on the bed,thats when they offerd me an induction,i had it with my other 4 but never as severe,i really think il go 4 induction coz i cant bear it anymore.xxx
They say paracetomol helps but im not one for taking tablets even when not pregnant! so i think its the like it or lump ot thing isnt it!! :( it will be worth it in the end ladies so we all have to keep smiling x
i actually burst into tears the other day infront of mw doctor and student when they wanted me to get up on the bed,thats when they offerd me an induction,i had it with my other 4 but never as severe,i really think il go 4 induction coz i cant bear it anymore.xxx

ah bless u seems like ur having a very hard time with it... :(
Im only taking paracetamol at moment as im only 18 weeks and hoping it doesnt get much worse. Aw u both sound like you are not having the best time with it at moment. Love and hugs to you and hope you can get it sorted somehow...
Im not starting my Maternity leave for another 2 weeks and im wondering how im going to get on until then.... i am thinking i may have to take it even earlier!! :(
Have you not get any holidays you can take prior to Mat leave?? x
I've started on paracetamol but it doesn't do anything. Docs said I could have something stronger on prescription but not wanting to take anything like that
Me neither Cazzlou dont fancy taking anything else as i dont like the sound of it. Charlie1989 could you not get a sicknote from docs? x
i could do, my work have got my maternity cover now so im thinking ill go in tomorrow and see what they want me to do, i feel guilty going off on sick but i think they would rather me do that and give them notice rather than just calling in sick everyday... ill have to see what the doctor says too. ill see him Tuesday. Thanks for ur help :) x very glad i joined this forum because it shows that im not alone x
Heya I have had it since 9weeks and now on crutches! I take paracetomal and codeine at night. :hug: to all u SPD sufferers I just try and think of my little boy when I am in agony and I know it will be worth it

Very true MrsMc. I had it at end of my first pregnancy then on my 2nd pregnancy from about 20 weeks but have had it this time since about 9 weeks. It sucks!! Im lucky in one way as i dont work as both my little ones are still little and my Husband works. And charlie you need to do whats best for you but as you say at least if your work know in advance you are not going to be there in advance it will be better for them. Good luck at docs x
MrsMc when did u start on Crutches and have they helped at all? Nikki8092 thank you :) x
Last week so was 29 weeks. They do help as it takes the weight off ur pelvis when u walk.


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