Pelvic girdle pain?


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2011
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I went to my 25 week midwife appointment yesterday and I was telling her how I got shooting pains in the bottom of my back just on 1 side when I put pressure on my left leg, how it was hard to get comfy in bed and when I eventually did turning over was very painful, getting up from sitting was really hard and painful and I felt like i'd pulled a muscle in my vagina. She told me I had pelvic girdle pain and referred me to physio for it! Has anyone else been told they have this problem and what kind of treatment did u get? From what I've googled I can't tell if it's serious or not? Should I be worried? Xxx
That explains exactly what I get and I'm only 13+ weeks! Can't help u but would be interested to know more....hope you get sorted xx
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I've not heard it called that before but sounds like the alignment of you pelvis is off which causes the pain. The physio will be able to help you so don't worry, try tying a scarf around your hips to stablise your pelvis. Might help while your waiting for your appointment.
Pelvic Girdle Pain is previously known as SPD (Symphisis Pubic Dysfunction) and a few ladies on here have it, including me. It varies from person to person, but sadly my experience of it so far is crippling pain and an inability to walk unaided in the evenings. Some days go by and I'm fine, if a bit sore, but other days if I overdo it, I'm practically incapacitated by dinnertime. I now have crutches to help me, but haven't started taking them to work yet.

This is the leaflet that my physio gave me: and I've found it really useful.

Hopefully yours turns out to be not as bad!! xx
My sister suffered from it and I think she had some physio as hers was really quite bad.....I think swimming helped her too, maybe its worth looking in to hydrotherapy somewhere??? Hers was quite serious and if she had gone any further in her 1st pregnancy she may have had to go in a wheelchair. However her second pregnancy she suffered again (this time carrying twins) and it wasnt quite as serious so I think it varies from pregnancy to pregnancy. at 14 weeks I am feeling pain in my lower right back/hip area :( hope the physio helps x
thanks girls, its nice to know im not the only 1! does any1 know if it will affect my birthing plan? anything i cant have because of it xxx
Yep i am in agony tonight as i have overdone it walked loads and done alot of cleaning right now i have shooting pains in my hips and lower back to the point of sitting down and getting up is agony and i hate this as i have to do cleaning at the moment since my roommate just had section so the rota falls on me going to be crippled soon lol

26 weeks pregnant. Team yellow too hope to find out peanuts sex on 26th march x
thanks girls, its nice to know im not the only 1! does any1 know if it will affect my birthing plan? anything i cant have because of it xxx

Should be fairly straightforward to have a normal birthing plan, but can I suggest you consider a water birth? The water supports your joints and can make things so much easier. The leaflet says the only thing they can't offer you is stirrups.

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