Harry James White-18/07/08 weighing 8lb 3.5 oz-Photo's added

First Baby White

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2007
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Hello Everyone,

Cant believe the time has come to write my birth story, thought I better do it now while I remember!!!!

I was due on the 15th July but had had no signs what so ever but in the early hours of the 15th I started to get tummy ache, nothing major at all so passed it off as nothing. I was bored at home so thought I would pay work a visit to catch up on the gossip, whilst there my cover asked me help as she was struggling so stayed with her for about 4 hours in the end :o
When I stood up to go I felt a gush and thought oh my good my waters cant break in work. I didn’t say anything to anyone and made a sharp exit to the bathroom, it was a good job I was wearing black as it would of been well noticeable ha ha. I had no pads so I stuffed my knickers with tissue and said my good byes :oops: To be honest after the initial gush I didn’t really leak as such I was just damp so I headed to Tesco on the way home still stuffed with tissue ha ha.

Rang labour ward when I got home and they said to put a pad in and see how it goes which I did but every time I felt wet I ran to the bathroom to clean so nothing was touching the pad so thought maybe it was me. Since the gush though my pains had got worse and were starting to resemble contractions so I timed them and they were every 7 minutes. I then gave hubby a call at work to tell him what was going on and it was so exciting, i thought munchkin was on his way. Decided to get an early but was woken by the pain at 1.30am and there was no way I was going back to sleep. Timed them then and they were every 6 mins and so painful. My immediate reaction was how am I going to do this on gas and air alone as thats what I had decided :D Whilst having contractions DH sleep away soundly unawares of me writhing about ha ha.

I rang labour ward and they said to wait till they were coming every 3-5 mins so I left and sent DH to work, they continued like that till around 11 I think so I walked the dog and cleaned the house to try and keep them going but still they slowed down. I asked advice on here and someone suggested a bath but also to chase labour ward in case it was my waters so gave them a call and they asked me to go and get checked. Off I went expecting it to be nothing as they had fobbed me off previously. When I got their the contractions had started again and they checked my waters and they had gone but only the hind waters. I was monitored there and all was well so I was told to call anti natal day unit the next day to run tests and then I would be induced on Friday.

Wednesday evening the pains continued getting really strong in the night so again I had no sleep and was thinking I couldn’t take no more, I think this was down to constant contractions but no pattern, I just wanted to meet my munchkin. Thursday came and was still contracting and I had rang labour ward again and they had said I still couldn’t go in as they weren’t regular but to ask for pain killers at the day unit. Went in at 10.30 and nearly cried I was so tired and in pain so the women gave me cocodomal and guided me through a couple of contractions whilst she monitored me. Again baby fine so was told to come back at 8am Friday for induction. Hubby arrived as he had been sent home from work due to him being to concerned with me. It was great to have him home and everything calmed down again so much so I was really excited about the induction. Went to bed early and had a good few hours kip only to awake at 1am in agony again. We began to time them and realised they were every 3-4 mins, rang labour ward and was told to go in. I had a shower and they started coming so quick and strong that the journey to hospital was hell.

We arrived and were shown to our room and I could hear ppl screaming, not very nice and then the woman next door delivered and I started to worry!!! We were left alone for about 2 hours as the ward fwas ull then I was given gas and air. I didn’t like it at first as I felt sick but started to get the hang of it when the midwife showed me what to do properly, it does make you feel drunk too. I don’t think it takes the pain away but it makes it more bearable and gives you something to take you mind of the pain.
I was put on a trace monitor and left which I wasn’t happy about as I wanted to be active but they said with the time my waters had been broke it needed to be done and if I had of been induced I would of had to be monitored any way.

The midwifes swapped as it was the end of shift and I finally got assessed and surprisingly I was 4-5cm's dilated which was great as I was convinced it was in my head and I was still in latent Labour. She then advised me after discussing pain relief that she would break my waters. I decided against my birth plan to have an Epi as I had been having contractions for days and hadn’t slept for 3 nights as was already so tired. She then broke my fore waters and I felt like I had weed myself and it was lovely and warm. It had an almost instant effect and the pains became so much worse and quicker and the gas and air just didn’t cut it anymore. The anaesthetist came in to do the EPI and it was so quick and painless to put it but hard work because you cant move and I was in agony. It started to work straight away and within minutes I couldn’t feel the pains anymore not even the tightening so I was loving it. I could still move my legs and feet but couldn’t out weight on them which I thought was amazing.

This was about 10 o clock and was told I would be next checked at 1 so me and Ian sat an chatted then he went home while I had a sleep and watch my monitor registering contractions every 2-3 minutes whilst feeling nothing. This made me realise there was no way I would of coped with the pain every 2 minutes like I had earlier and that the EPI was definitely the right choice. I was now enjoying labour so much it was like a big count down and no pain :D . Ian came back and told me what he had for dinner which was so unfair as we had a bag full of my favourite things and had been told when I got there that i couldn’t eat anything and could only drink water :o I hadn’t eaten since 4pm the day before so ladies make sure you eat loads in the run up to your labour!!!!

It got 2 1pm and I was checked and was 8-9 cms so they said to give me an hour and check again, by this point labour ward had quietened down and the midwifes changed again, I got a lady called Cath who now only had me to look after so she sat and discussed my birth plan and explained every in detail to me and it was fantastic. This was the first time since becoming pregnant that I felt I had 1-2-1 contact, it was that laid back we had the radio on and we were all sat chatting whilst they drink tea ha ha. I had to have medication as I was showing signs of infection as my temperature rose and my pulse had been very high so another midwife came in and put it through my drip and she was like it is very calm in here considering your about to have a baby :o

We had noticed on the monitor that with every contraction I had the babies heart was decelerating and was told that was fine if it is during a contractions but not afterwards and the rate always seemed to go back up straight away so wasn’t to worried. They got the consultant to come and check as well and he said it was ok. I was then reassessed and still had a rim round babies head so needed to wait longer. I was given 2 hours to do this as my contractions weren’t strong enough or hard enough. I was getting a bit down hearted now as I thought munchkin would of been out. The consultant kept coming back to check heart rate and at the time I didn’t think anything of it, now I realise that they were concerned and thats why I was being closely monitored!! When it came time to check again there was still some rim there so the consultant attempted to push it around babies head and I was put on a syticon drip to move the contractions up a gear, I was given and hour then 30 minutes with the drip being continually increased and then I heard the words its time to push :cheer: :cheer:

Ian and me were so excited and put our last bets in whether it would be a girl or boy, we both said boy but i was convinced it was a girl. I started pushing and it was so hard as I couldn’t feel the contractions and the only way I knew was when munchkins heart rate dropped which wasn’t great. Things became a bit panicky then as they weren’t happy with bumps rate so they got the senior midwife then the consultant and they kept coming in and out but I still didn’t click something was wrong I just assumed I wasn’t doing something right. The consultant then watched me push and head was moving but not enough and forceps was mentioned. I went into a strop and just pushed as hard as I could but it was no good. The stirrups were out and the forceps and kit were being set up. The next thing I knew was that the forceps were round the babies head, I didn’t even realise I had been cut for the episiotomy!!!!

I was told to carry on as was and push whilst he pulled. It took 3 contractions for him to get the head out and the force from him pulling was unbelievable I couldn’t believe this was on a babies head I was literally being pulled across the room and it did hurt I have to say. Eventually the babies head was out and what a strange feeling to know you have a head sticking out between your legs. It was then I realised something was wrong as the said the cord was round his neck twice, this was causing the heart rate to drop and also why he wasn’t moving down well. Strangely enough Ian was born the same way so he took after his Dad. With one more push he was out but Ian didn’t get to cut the cord as planned as he was rushed to the resucitare area, he was briefly put in front of me so Ian could tell me it was a boy but I was in shell shock after all that had gone on and was not taking anything in. He wasn’t crying and had not a lot of movement and was full of guk on his chest. They had a paediatrician in who was also working on him who strangely enough had seen us when i was admitted to a&e at around 6 weeks gestation with a bleed and has said that if the baby was dead then they were dead!!! so it was nice to see her again :(

Harry still wasn’t coming round and I hadn’t seen him, the timer on the table was coming up for 15 minutes and he was letting out little cries but nothing major I was so scared, the next minute another lady came in who was from special care to assess and he let out a massive scream as he was getting better :cheer: :cheer: They finally decided after 25 minutes of working on him that he wouldn’t go to SCBU thank god and he was weighed at 8lb 3.5oz and finally given to mummy and daddy to look at. He is amazing and has forcep shaped bruises on both sides of his face and a gash under his left eye. He was in shock after all that had gone on and really didn’t make a sound the poor thing, he looks just like his 4D scan and his dad its unbelievable. He has bright blue eyes and quite a lot of blonde hair. We were left to get to know him and reality sunk in as to what happened and we were so grateful to the staff. I had been stitched up etc and was all fine, feeling began to come back to my legs and was given a bed bath by the nurses which was strange. I had to stay in so Harry could be assessed due to forceps delivery and the amount of time my waters had been broke.

Was taken to the ward and got upset when Ian left but just watched Harry and tried to sleep which isn’t easy on the ward!!! I had to wake him up to try feeding and he latched on fine on my left breast but not my right. Today I have managed to get him latched on the right as well :cheer: :cheer: He is definitely alert now and cries quiet a lot as he is always hungry which is hard but I a determined to give breast feeding a chance. I didn’t think I would want to as I have a thing bout my boobs but it is great, it is painful though. I have had the midwife round today and he is latching right so it will just take sometime getting used to it.

I am in quiet a lot of pain due to the cut and stitches but that is to be expected and he is well worth it but I am already realising how difficult it is.

Ian was a great support and I am forever grateful to him and Harry is a dream come true.

I didn’t mean to scare anyone with the above I just wanted to tell it as it is, I was sent home yesterday at 7pm as well. We are currently waiting for Harry to wee as he doesn’t appear to be so if not we have to take him back in but we will see :(

I will post pictures later but to all those who have had just had babies congratulations and to those still waiting it is well worth






Must have been very scary for you when he came out. :hug:
Glad everything is well now and you are enjoying being a mummy, Congratulations :cheer: :cheer:
Wow! That must have been so scary for you and Ian! Such a long labour too so I completely agree with the epi, it must have been nice to just gather some energy at long last!

I'm so glad he's ok though, and I'm glad you are too (despite the discomfort of the stitches).

I hope his little problem gets sorted out and it's all natural for him. No wonder he was in shock bless him after the traumatic delivery! :(

He's such a cutie though, and I'm sure the bruises will go very quickly. I'm shocked they use so much force too after reading that! Poor little guy.

Anyway, after reading that, I will never underestimate how shattering a labour/birth can be! I'm so glad you managed to get some rest so you could enjoy your son for a while after giving birth.

Oh, and believe me, I'm going to try and remember the eating thing before I go in when my time comes! I couldn't go without food for that long :rotfl: xx
Well done you, can't wait to see pics, bet he's gorgeous. Congrats to you both!
Aww that is a great story! Glad he is all well (and hope he pees soon!)

Big congratulations!! :dance: :cheer:
congrats hun, thats one epic birth!!! It must have been very scary when he came out, i no i got funny that they wouldn't give me Tally immediately after she came out.
bless him and his eye mind, it's amazing what thay do and how much force they can use.

i'm glad you're both home and well.

He's beautiful btw
Awww he is beautiful!! Well done FBW and congratulations on your little boy!! x

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