happy duedate me!

Happy due date! :love: can't wait for little man to make his appearance xxx

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Happy due date so excited for you i cant believe the day is here already good luck isobel hope he doesnt keep you waiting to long dear

i predict tomorrow or wednesday xxx
demba just called and asked if Noa was here yet, yeah i squeezed him out an hour ago just forgott to tell you! :cool:

well just in case he decide to be a rebel and come on his duedate im now all scrubbed and shaved, all his blankets are now washed again, everything is clean, hovered (even the seelings) i have sleept a few hours, eaten to get energy and drunk loads of water, and my nails are all re- done (scrubbing the oven is not nice for your nails) :yay:
im ready, just incase.

NOw coffee and Jeremy Kyle!
good luck hun hope it isnt to much longer for you xx
Happy due date Isobel! HOpe Noa doesn't keep you waiting too long. You have been so fab throughout everyone else's labour watches and moans and groans on here I really hope it goes well for you - you deserve it!
it feels like when noa comes where do i go??? haha i wont belong to a trimester anymore!! i will be one of the mummys :cool:
ahh well done Evelina for reaching your due date - he is just too cosy in there !

I predict sat 23rd - sorry about that X
its best if he comes thursday night to be honest, to fit in the best in our scedular ;)

TMI (like tmi ever bother me) me n Demba just did the deed and again there was a small (very small) amount of pinkish blood, less then last time, almost nothing, i have not told him just stuck a pad on to keep an eye on it.

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