Happy Due Date to me...

happy due date lovely, come on little one dont make mummy wait to long xx
Thanks guys!! :) I'm expecting baby will still be tucked away nicely this time next week like but hey ho!

Finally figured he/she will make an appearance when he/she is ready (or at a time that causes me great inconvenience/embarrassment!) lol!

Lol I'm feeling the same (although a good few weeks behind lol) like I'm
Gonna go overdue coz I dis with my other two Lol! X

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How exciting!!:) Can you really believe your due date is here? Has felt like mine will never come, and I'm sure I'll be late too!!
Happy due date to you
Happy due date to you:pompom:
Happy due date to you..uuuuuuuuuuuuu
Happy due date to you

Sending baby waves your way - come on our baby!
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Happy due date Tasha hun :)
Hope baby gets uncomfortable in there soon
Happy due date Tasha hun :)
Hope baby gets uncomfortable in there soon

Hehe! Me too! Jamie took me out for tea tonight so we're hoping it's the last time we'll be going out on our own for a loooooooong time! You never know though!

Booked in for a sweep on Fri so i'm hoping I can avoid it! Hehe! x
I always get really excited around sweep time lol just incase it works hehehe! Drama drama but good drama hehehe! If I do go into labour naturally this time round it will be a blessing I don't reach sweep time lol!! I end up analising every twitch haha! You looking forward to baby? Or nervous? X

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I always get really excited around sweep time lol just incase it works hehehe! Drama drama but good drama hehehe! If I do go into labour naturally this time round it will be a blessing I don't reach sweep time lol!! I end up analising every twitch haha! You looking forward to baby? Or nervous? X

I'm dead excited you know :D Everyone asks me if i'm bricking it (about labour) and i'm all, nah - bring it on!! lol! They think i'm mad - I probably am, no idea (pain wise) what to expect but all I keep thinking is that it aint gonna last forever :)

I just want to be able to cuddle my baby now and find out whether i've a son or daughter :-( VERY impatient at the mo! lol x
Happy due date for yesterday! I hope your baby comes soon, I'm next though lol, no queue jumping haha!!
Happy due date for yesterday! I hope your baby comes soon, I'm next though lol, no queue jumping haha!!

Hehe! That's fine my dear - I cant see LO making an appearance soon so the run way is yours! :lol:

You had any signs or niggles yet? x
Happy due daye hon - hope u get to meet ur little one really soon xxx
happy DD for yesterday, sending loadsa labour vibes :dust:
happy due date hunni! hope you don't have to wait too long! :) xxx
Happy due date for yesterday! I hope your baby comes soon, I'm next though lol, no queue jumping haha!!

Hehe! That's fine my dear - I cant see LO making an appearance soon so the run way is yours! :lol:

You had any signs or niggles yet? x

nothing of significance really, just lots of really strong BHs that don't lead anywhere :wall2:
Having 3rd sweep tomorrow and am booked in for induction on Monday so at least I've got an end date now! How about you?
happy due date tasha hopefully baba will make an apperance very soon xx
Happy due date for yesterday! I hope your baby comes soon, I'm next though lol, no queue jumping haha!!

Hehe! That's fine my dear - I cant see LO making an appearance soon so the run way is yours! :lol:

You had any signs or niggles yet? x

nothing of significance really, just lots of really strong BHs that don't lead anywhere :wall2:
Having 3rd sweep tomorrow and am booked in for induction on Monday so at least I've got an end date now! How about you?

Nothing yet :wall:

I had 3 quite strong BH that were all exactly 15mins apart at tea time today but nothing came of it. I'm at the MW tomorrow for my first sweep so hoping that my cervix is nice and squishy! Hehe! Hopefully she'll tell me it's already 1-2cm dialated! Haha! x
I'm sending you lots of squishy cervix vibes lol!! I hope it does the trick!
Thanks hunni :) Me too! Not looking forward to it, my MW is a total witch! Although she's the only one who's taken my bloods and not left me covered in pinholes or bruised to hell so she might be gentle...! lol x

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