HaPPiNeSs......!!!! loVe It!

Mummy Rich

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2008
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Anyone feeling happy today?!?!

I am soooooooooooooooo excited and feel I have some energy and literally wanna shout it out. It may be short lived but what the hell.

I had 13 hours sleep and its showing in a good way. I have to enjoy it before I feel sick later on

Plus my bestest bestest friend is home from London this weekend to pay me a visit cause it's my birthday on Tuesday!!

I am listening to that pussycat dolls new song... when I grow up.

Wonder what our little bambinos will be when they grow up!?!?

Lets av it... who else is feeling H.A.P.P.Y!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!


:hug: :dance: :clap: :) :rotfl: :cheer: :lol:
aww bless ya :dance: :dance: i'm happy too ben a bit sickky but not too bed, musta slept really well last night although my kitten cuddles woke me up loads lol she is so sweet :D so yep i'm HAPPY too :cheer: :cheer:
See told you it feels good to declare your happiness! (posted yesterday) I felt like that yeasterday and today because my mum is having my son Aiden for the day so that i can get on with things and do what i want! I think a 2 hour bubble bath with a book is in order :rotfl:
YEY pleased your feeling better! enjoy it and I have to add I love the Pussy Cat Dolls!! their new song rocks!! xx
ME ME!! I am feeling HAPPY!!

Got a day off work and at nearly 11 wks i feel i am over the worst of the nausea!!

I have had oodles of energy for over a week now (although i did go back to bed for a while after doing the school run this morning!! lol)

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