

Well-Known Member
May 9, 2006
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Has anyone else noticed more body hair? I've got a line of hair going down from my belly button, it's usually quite pale & blonde but since I've been PG it's gone really dark & thick.

I've noticed loads of lighter, thinner hairs all over my belly too which I'm sure weren't there before!

Is this normal or am I going mad? OH is convinced the baby's a werewolf!
:rotfl: @OH
iy's noraml hun, at least it was for me, i had that line of hair running over my belly

:hug: don't worry i don't think you haveing a werewolf unless there is something you haven't shared with us :rotfl:
Watch out for the beard! It grows overnight :rotfl:

I keep getting really long blonde hairs growing out of my cheeks that werent there the day before. Oh and legs need a shave at least twice a week instead of once a fortnight and dont even go there about the arms :shock:
Oh yeah i was visited by the hair monster!
Ive still got my brown hairy line down my belly LOL!!
my belly is hairy too!!! i was convinced something was horribly wrong till mother said not to worry its normal, altho i bet i have the hairiest tummy!

haha ;)
OMG am I going to turn into a gorrilla!!!
its so cool u guys talk about everything, its so nice to know these things are normal, so many of my worries have gone away, just hope i can help sumone too one day xx
Is this normal or am I going mad? OH is convinced the baby's a werewolf![/quote]

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

this is all normal stuff
My underarms are getting ridiculous! I didn't even realise it was anything to do with pregnancy!

Just discovered this forum on Friday (bored at work - I'm an accountant need I say more!!) It's great - trawling through all the posts and I'm finding out loads more than any of the books or doc or MW have told me!

Excellent, glad it's not just me! Thank you once again for the reassurance ladies!
silly question but does it ever go back to normal??

My hair on my arms is darker, and on the tops of my legs (knees upwards) I have NEVER had to do anything as only very fine blonde hair completely un noticable, but now I notice (when Im sat on the toilet ha ha) I can see it, its going dark, Im mortified as I dont want to shave it so it grows back worse, but Im going on holiday in October & november!!!! Also I used to have about 6 sparatic hairs that came on my tummy (the middle line from belly button downwards) and I used to pluck them out, now there are at least doublt so far, but they keep growing back ginda ingrown, not really ingrown, but under a few layers of skin (my bikini line has ALWAYS done this) and I have this obsessing when if I see a hair under the skin it has to come out :wall: I pick and pick with a pin or tweezer till its free and I can pluck it, my tummy is a right mess now, so far I have 4 tiny scabs where Ive picked away grrrrrr

Am I a nutter ? :rotfl:
Im sorry to bear bad news but I have remained slitghtly harier since having Noah. Plus I started growing random corse hairs on my chin, and I still get them even now! OH jokes about my 'beard' :oops:
Cat&Noah said:
Im sorry to bear bad news but I have remained slitghtly harier since having Noah. Plus I started growing random corse hairs on my chin, and I still get them even now! OH jokes about my 'beard' :oops:


Thanks for making my dat Cat :talkhand:

Just kidding. PMSL at OH slating your beard
i keep on getting strays ones on my neck,am convinced im gonna look like those old ladies with the tashhes and wiskers out their chin,speaking of which ned to get the jolene out for my top lip

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