Hair ewww


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2010
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My hair is just so icky right now. I usually wash it every other day as my hair is really fine fly away dry hair and I used to end up all frizzy if I washed it every day.

However the last week it looks like I have taken some lard and spread it over my hair. I'm now washing my hair before I go to work each day but by 6 or 7 o'clock it all icky again. :mad:

Has anyone else experienced this?

Sol xxx
Yep,I'm a hairdresser so found it even harder lolxx
Mine started like this, really greasy all the time and has now gone in the other direction and is really dry which means I can wash it less aften :dance:
I have found this too, I normally wash mine every day as it's fine flyaway hair, that looks like the shape of the pillow when I get up! So have tried to wash it every other day and put it up in between, not great to start with, but it seems to be paying off. so perhaps your doing the right thing by doing the oposite of what you normally do. Perhaps try to do without the conditioner ?
my sisters hair is really greasy and she puts talcom powder through it and on roots in between washing it as it takes the greasy look out of it!
Phew thanks guys was gettinga bit worried I might be like this for the next 7 months or something :)

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