Had to stop Co- sleeping


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2007
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Colliers just to big and god he moves about the amount of times we wake to find were half of the bed Colliers legs pushing James of the bed and his head pushing me :rotfl:
But hes now using me as a boobie free for all, every time he wakes he wants to breastfeed and gets upset if he dosnt get it.
And i think he is also getting to hot in the bed with us both there, Collier needs more space its limited between me and James. He would wake and roll over to one or the other and pull our hir get on all fours and climb on us head butt and he had bit me a few times
I have to admit with james doing 12 hours shifts its best for us too, i get out of bed and feed Collier then put him back in the cot.

He was waking very frequently in the bed with us, buts hes teething so im not expecting miracles with him in the cot
And hes still waking almost ever hour he also has a bit of cough that comes on at night at the moment
So its early days but he dose seem more seattled when asleep, i miss him near to me a breast feeding was easier with him right there. But it is i admit lovely to have more room to move :lol:

Ive also always got him to sleep before putting him to bed, but its better to put him to bed sleepy but still awake and allow him to fall a sleep himself.
It worked wonderfully for a few days but with his cough and he may be now teething even more tooth pegs his sleeping has gone down hill agian.
Though all i need to do it give him a little hug a few quite soothing words and he nodds of agian :D
Well that is untill later in the night hes harder then and the first sign of light and he wants to be up
we need new curtians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Collier this morning worked out how to stand in his cot hes was very impressed with himself there was NO getting him back to sleep after that :roll: :lol:
think its best all round for all of us!!!
Hey :wave: I managed to get to 14 months and have just got her in the cot,nightmare trying!! But bless her shes in there now. She was feeding all night and faffing about and I just thought,I cant cope anymore :(
I tell you what though, im still not sleeping after being used to being woken up 4328492 a night but when I do sleep I actually sleep long enough to have a dream :cheer:
I think your doing the right thing though, sooner rather than later :hug: Ruby was a terror getting her in the cot for the first week or so xx

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