Had Scan!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2010
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Here's my baby!! :yay: It's the little bottom blob! Saw heartbeat and got dvd too. Only short but can see heartbeating :)
Have to have internal scan as I have a tilted uterus, but it was fine. I feel so much better now, good to know its in the right place and it's fine :) So weird to think that little heartbeat is inside me hee hee. Definately worth paying privately. Told my nan and grandad today, adn my nan asked if we're getting married :eh: told her we can't really afford it at the moment. To be honest I'm not really that bothered, the most important thing is my baby :swaddle: x x
how cute is that so glad all went well and at least you can not worry as much and enjoy the pregnancy!! not long to wait and you will see he/she again enjoy every moment lovely xx
awk that is a lovely wee pic im sure it was so exciting to hear the heartbeat! cant wait for my 1st scan xxx
Aww how gorgeous! Can not wait for my scan!!!! Congrats hon. I'm not fussed about getting married, I couldn't be any more comitted to my OH so marriage isn't on my to do list! So glad bubba is ok!
Wow great picture, bet you were chuffed, really pleased for you, nice for Lyndsay to see too, as she is just a day behind you!
Aw that is so cute!!!! Must have been a wonderful experience!
Lovely pic, it's great seeing hb for first time, I had my first scan at 6+5 so was very similar to yours. It is a great memory to treasure.
Aww bless :) its nice to have that first scan and know everythings ok. glad everythings ok! x
Aw congrats, i'm due the same day as you so it's nice to see your scan so i know what my baby looks like :D

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