Had my sweep!


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2011
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It wasn't painful or anything just uncomfortable. My cervix is still tilted but soft, she couldn't really do much so not expecting anything much to happen. Back next tuesday for another one and then induction on 26th hopefully if nothing has happened by then.

Feel gutted to be honest as i really wanted there to be some progress. Looks like i will be on my 3rd induction now. Even the midwife didnt look to hopeful that things would start themselves now.
Oh no :( FX for you hun! Get trying all the old wives tales hun!
Your obviously very comfy ay
Hope things do get started on their own for u Hun !! Xxx
Thanks girls, totally fed up today. The midwife wouldnt even book and induction date till next weeks appointment and i am so worried that they wont fit me in for the 26th as i was told that the hospital has been so busy lately. I can see this going on longer than 12 days overdue. I'm really worried now :(
Aw :( sorry to hear that. You'll have to give the natural methods a bash too x
whats a tilted cervix and what does it mean x x x can you feel yourself if its tilted???
whats a tilted cervix and what does it mean x x x can you feel yourself if its tilted???[/QU

I think it means it's posterier so not actually started thinning out yet (but i'm not 100% on that). I havent tried to feel it myself i would have no idea what to feel for. She did say it was soft though so maybe after a bit of irritation things might progress!
fingers crossed for you honey that its done the trick x xx i had one when i was a week overdue with my son x had period pains following it and had my son the next afternoon x
I don't think it means a great deal labour wise other than your labour pains may be more prominent in your back :eh: x
I'm not in any discomfort at all :( i really am not confident of it working. At least i gave it a go and you never know.
I don't think it means a great deal labour wise other than your labour pains may be more prominent in your back :eh: x

My baby is in the back to back position just now and has been for a few week now so maybe that why it's tilted then. I should have asked :wall2:
well it cant make the waiting any longer xx big positive vibes coming your way x x
i have a tilted cervix, its not always tilted though. the doctor said it can make it a little more difficult for examining.

TMI - If my cervix is tilted on a day i get swabs done then i have to put my fists behind my back so my bum is lifted and its easier for them to get to it. ive not been told it would cause any complications or changes to labour though.

Hope LO makes an arrival soon for you

The midwife got me to do this with my fists too. So does that mean it's nothing to do with the cervix being ready or not for labour?
I don't think so, I think it's purely a directional thing - sometimes I have to put my fists behind my back too, and sometimes not x
I don't think so, I think it's purely a directional thing - sometimes I have to put my fists behind my back too, and sometimes not x

Well I never knew i had a tilted cervix, there you go and would that have been the case with my previous two children or does it change position regularly. I'm clueless about all this and noone has ever mentioned it before.

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