Had my scan yesterday. ** Updated with Pic**


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2007
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Hi Girls

Yesterday was the best day of my life.

Seen our baby on the screen and he/she is just perfect. I was so nervous when we went in but the sonographer was really lovely and she assured us everthing was fine.

She pointed lil heartbeat and i cried (happy tears of course). OH had a few tears too bless him.

I've been put back 4 days so i'm only 10w 6 days today.

Also the sonographer said why dont i book you in for 2 weeks time to come back for another scan and you'll see so much more development. How fab is she? :cheer:

So i have another chance to see my LO on Fri 16th May where i'll be 12w 5d. :cheer:

We plan to tell our parents this weekend as its been hard enough keeping it from them this long. I cant wait to tell my mam, i've got excited butterflies thinking about.

Thanks to everyone who supported me yesterday, i dont know what i'd do without you all. :hug: (Extra hug to Flossy for starting that lovely post :hug: )

Sorry for going on a bit, can you tell i'm a little excited. :)

Here he/she is. I cant stop looking at my pics.


:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Congratulations!! I was so scared when I opened the thread but i'm so happy for you! I wanna see the pics!!!
Thats fantastic news. I was thinking about you last and hoping everything went well. It must have been brilliant seeing the wee one on screen. :D
awwwww hun im over the moon for you :hug: so pleased all went well and you get to see babba again in 2 weeks :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: cant wait to see pics :D xxxxxxx
:cheer: :cheer:

So glad the scan went well for you hun x
Aww Im so glad everything was well and you get to go back in 2 weeks!! :D
My scan is the day before your next one! I will be around 11w6 days I cant wait!! :D
Wow whwere have I been many congrats to you honey!!!

That bubby is a cutie already!!

:hug: :cheer:
Aww congrats, and how lucky to get yourself another scan in 2 weeks!! x
So pleased for you hun, and great news that you get to see bubs again in a couple of weeks! :cheer:
Enjoy telling your family!
Sarah x

Aww thanks for the messages, lovely to hear from you all.

We went to see my mam yesterday and said we had some photos off OH's birthday back in March that she hadn't seen. We had hid our scan pics in with them.
My mam started flicking through and saying ah thats a nice one etc at the birthday pics then when she got to our scan pic she stared, then sort of squealed and jumped up and started hugging me and crying. Of course that set me off lol.

Also just been and told OH's mam and we done it exactly the same, she reacted pretty much the same as my mam. Both grandma's to be are beaming from ear to ear constantly.

All in all i've had a fab weekend and i feel all relaxed.

Hope you are all well and having a lovely bank hol weekend.

Speak soon xxxxxxx :hug: xxxxxxxxx
Aww that's such a lovely way of telling them! My Mum's a bit slow like that and would probably of just flicked straight past it - plan ruined!

Anyway, I'm so glad everyone's so excited for you :cheer: It makes it so much more real when it's out in the open and people know your wonderful news! x
Aww that is so great! What a great way to tell your mams! I bet they were so excited! :D
awww what a fab way of telling them hun :D and the scan pic is so cute :hug: xxxxxxx
Congratulations on your scan and what a lovely way to tell the grandmothers to be. It's lovely when you can share the news with family/friends.

Sounds like you've all had a fab weekend :D
Fantastic, fantastic, fantastic, wow, amazing!!!

So pleased everything well - and that you get to have another scan in a couple of weeks!

That is such a fantastic way of telling your mum - unfortunately we couldnt keep our traps shut and have told the world and his dog, so cant use it!

So, so, so, so pleased that everything went well

Ive been put forwrd 3 days Im 12 weeks 3 days how do you put the scan pic up?

karen1969 said:

Ive been put forwrd 3 days Im 12 weeks 3 days how do you put the scan pic up?

Hi Hun

I've just answered this for you in your post. Hope it helps.


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