Had my scan and its a......


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
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Girl! :D :cheer: I'm sooo pleased that I am having a girl my partners worrying about having a daughter already lol Everything was fine. She was a bit small but aparently its nothing to worry about as I am only small myself (5'1) I had to go out and buy something pink to celebrate! Heres a couple of pics of my baby girl!!! Gemma x x x x


Gemma, Congratulations from me too

Congratulations babes. xx :D
aaaaaaaaaaaaw im so pleased for you! i would love to have a girl....
Yay a girl :cheer: Congrats!!! Any names?

I must say my baby looked huuuge on the scan, I am abit worried about pushing him out :shock: Kieran was only 7lb 2oz...
aww congrats gems im sure your oh will be just fine just having 2 girls in the house hes probably worrying about :p :rotfl:
Congratulations and welcome to team pink!

Club rules are you must deck her out in pink!
Thanks Ladies! :D

Mrs tommo22 will def b decking her out in pink everyday! I love pink. Shes gonna be my pink princess lol

Frangelle the names we have picked out as maybs are Jessca, Bethany, Paige, Natasha, Ellie, Chloe. x x x x x x
:cheer: Congratulations, :cheer:

We have had the same news as you. On the 4th July we were infromed that we were having a princess. We are so excited.
:dance: :dance:

We have chosen a name and she already has should we say a rather large choice of clothes. Bet you can not guess what colour.
mrsmac2006 said:
:cheer: Congratulations, :cheer:

We have had the same news as you. On the 4th July we were infromed that we were having a princess. We are so excited.
:dance: :dance:

We have chosen a name and she already has should we say a rather large choice of clothes. Bet you can not guess what colour.

Thats fantastic news hunni! :D :cheer: Congratulations! What name have u picked for your little princess? x x x x x

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