Had my first MW app today


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2011
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Well as it says on the tin I had my booking in app today,The midwife was so so nice and sweet and gave me loads of info

They agreed to the early scann too so i got to see my bean and they measured me at 9 weeks but guess il get a more exact date at my next one :-)

It was such a weight of to see the little heart beat :dance: so sureal cant wait for the 31st of August now for the next one

Happy Happy Happy makes how horrid iv been feeling so worth while yay!
awww congrats!! must have been lovely :) I cant wait for mine, i dont have my first appointment till 10 weeks, just want it over with! very happy for you though :D x x x
:yay: really pleased for you, makes it all seem a bit more real and def worth the feeling sh*tty xxxx
Glad everything went well for you loveyy. & Glad you got your early scan too. :)
So you've been put forward a bit haven't you?
I've still not heard when my scan is and I'm 12wks +2
Congrats Hun now u can relax a bit and enjoy being preggers! Xx
Thanks Hun

Yeah it was such a shock to see it there little heart beating straight away I was convinced something had gone wrong

Zoe hope you get yours soon cant believe they left you so long, yeah they moved me but she just said ah yeah 9 weeks so dont know if it was bang on 9 or in the middle or near 10 LOL so will prob find out on the 31st at my Next one
did they have to do an internal scan? is it not possible to have a belly scan until 12 weeks?
i have to go for another in a week n a half and was hoping not to have an internal one
i had an internal at 8w and an abdominal scan at 10w 2d. dont know at what stage they go from internal to abdominal xx
No she done a belly scann, She said shed try that and if she couldnt see anytng she would use the internal one but as soon as it touched my belly my bean was on the screen clear as day, I have a pic but no scanner to upload it :-(

She also said you dont realy need to have a full bladder to do a scann but told me not to tell anyone hehehe
I've had my date come through now, Its this Saturday as they can't leave it any longer, so Saturday morning I have mine x
Ive got an early 7 week scan on Mon. If they cant see anything through the stomach, they will do an internal one. Have any of you had one....is it horrid? x
I had an internal scan when i mc, its not too bad, just insert a stick thing inside you. They should be able to do a normal scan at 7 weeks though xx
ah thats great Zoe only a few days for you to wait :-) 7 weeks prob will need internal but think its ok she didnt use it on me but it looked a bit like a dildo hehehe
Iv had an internal scan before and it was fine. id say having a smear is more uncomfortable (sp?) and you hardly feel anything then.

im expecting to have an internal when i eventually go for my 1st scan x x

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