got my booking in app today with mw


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2008
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hiya i have a app this afternoon with my mw i can't wait only i'm dredding having my bloods taken :( and i'm worried i won't like her lol aparently she isn't the nicest mw (according to my friends) my partner is realy looking forward to it so much so that he just brought me breackky and a cup of tea. Wish me good luck that i don't faint when she takes my blood lol
Hi Anna honey
You will be fine just ask if you can lie down, i am seriously needle phobic but luckily have a fantastic midwife (same one for all 7 pregnancies) she knows just how to deaal with me :rotfl:
Anyway you will have your man with you for support so try to relax and think of nice things ie that little baby in your arms at christmas :hug:

Oh and give you 2 little cuties a hug from me :hug: :hug:
Ah, Bless your OH!!

Lots of luck for your appointment, im sure it will be fine :hug:
Good luck!! I'm sure it will be fine! I don't like having my blood taken either but my midwife was great, she just kept talking to me while she did it and it wasn't as bad as I thought!

Try and keep an open mind about your midwife, some people just have personality clashes - you might get on great with your MW!
good luck hope it goes well for you xxxxxx
thanks for all your good luck messages, it went well it didn't hurt much when she took my bloods which is unusual for me lol, thanks hennaly i'll give them a big hug from you and give your lot a big hug from me and my brood and your adorable doggies lol. I got on well with my midwife and aparently i have to phone up on tuesday to book my scan!! and i'm seeing her in 5 weeks time lol she tried to hear the babys heart beat but as expected we heared nouthing as it's too early lol

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