Had my Booking In Apt.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
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Hi All,

Well i've just got back from my Midwife appointment. All went well. And it only tokk half hour. :D

She filled in all my details, medical history, family history etc. Asked me a few thing about where i'd like to give birth and how i'd like to feed the baby. Sorry but i haven't even thought about that stuff yet :shock: I'm trying too hard to make sure i get through the first tri, let alone anything else :)

As i'm low risk she put me down for the broadlands birthing unit. Its in our main ob / gyn hospital but the floor above the normal labour ward. And its more relaxed and has birthing pools, bean bags, birthing balls etc. Sounds good.

She also asked about downs screening and offered me the nuchal fold scan which i would like. So as well as my 11 week scan next wed for the survey i will get another one a week or so later for the downs screening.

She tested my pee pot :oops: and took my bloods. And gave me a big pack of info to take home. Which i cant wait to start reading (but at work at the mo :( ).

She also taked about parent craft classes and gave me a booking form for those.

So all in all she was very pleasant and it was cool.

Bit scary as it feels very real now, and i really want to tell my mum! :?

Love Lau & Peanut

Glad everythign went ok, When will you tell ya mum, i think once i get my BFP i will tell the world lol


I wanted to wait untill 12 weeks. Or until my scan next wed at 11 weeks.

But i'm not sure now??? :?

lmarszall said:

I wanted to wait untill 12 weeks. Or until my scan next wed at 11 weeks.

But i'm not sure now??? :?


Its really up to you, But i dont think it will hurt telling ya mum and wait until 12 weeks before others know

Sounds like you got a lot of info there, glad it went well!
Hi mum2be,

Well last time i told her about a week after i found out i was preg. She was so excited, she came to the scan with me and they found i was miscarrying and she had to go through everything horrible that happened with me.

She has alot on her plate at the moment and i don't want her to have to go through that again.

I can understand why you feel the need to tell her but won't yet then, you don't have long to wait for your scan, wait until you have a pic and it'll be a much nicer surprize :dance:
glad all went well, i had the nuchal scan yesterday and it was amazing! thats good that you got offered that as well as a scan at 11 weeks. :cheer:
lmarszall said:
Hi mum2be,

Well last time i told her about a week after i found out i was preg. She was so excited, she came to the scan with me and they found i was miscarrying and she had to go through everything horrible that happened with me.

She has alot on her plate at the moment and i don't want her to have to go through that again.


well int that case i would wait until the scan which aint very long
good luck

Glad it went well - you've had loads more info that we get here! They don't even ask about where you want to give birth until you get to 3rd Trimester and I don't think I was EVER asked about how I planned to feed the baby!!

So glad you don't have to wait much longer for your first scan - and afterwards will be a lovely surprise for your mum when you show her the pictures!

Its a bit odd really,

You would think they would have some kind of UK standard for midwife care or something.

Some of her questions were quite funny though, She also asked if DP and me were related in any way other than partners, :puke:

But yeah it was quite in depth and she seemed nice. There are two midwifes at my surgery so i might not always see her, but hopefully the other one is nice too.

I was thinking if me and DP go to my scan wednesday and everything is okay, then i could ask my mum to come to the nuchal fold scan. She'll love that!

I'm really glad everything went well for you :hug:

My midwife was the same as yours, I was asked if I wanted to breast feed and as I'm low risk I've booked into the midwife run birthing centre and like yours mine's on the 3rd Floor of the maternity unit. So in case of emergency your in the right place but you can relax more with birthing ball and a pool etc instead of stirrups and machines.
I've read in the info I got that they have the equipment in case it's needed but it's hidden so the environment is more relaxed.

Sounds great, this may sound wierd but I can't wait to go into Labour. I'm pretty relaxed about it and want to meet my little bubs :cheer:

I do agree with you though. I'd wait and until your scan next week and then invite your mum to the Nuchal scan. You can relax once you have the scan next week and start to get really excited. It'll be nice for your mum to enjoy it with you.

Sorry rambling...

Charm X
Don't worry charm you're not rambling :eek:)

I know what you mean about wanting to meet your baby. After the mw i am alot more excited. I've been holding back on the excitement because of my mc but the further on it get the more i can try and relax.

The next scan will be hard but i have been having symptoms still so hopefully that means peanut is ok. :|

I can't wait to have a tour of the hospital and see the birthing rooms.
Oh you've got me all excited now :D


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