Had my booking in appointment!


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2010
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So very happy I've finally had it! Turns out it's the same midwife when I was pregnant with my 2nd son so chuffed to bits with that! She'll be dealing with
me all the way to the end. Everything is fine, discussed everything including scans and bloods. They don't offer the nuchal fold scan so would have to go private if I
wanted it done. Bloods to be done at my scan which will be around 13 weeks and I have to decide whether I want downs etc testing at 16 weeks. I don't think I want it done though...

So everythings good, I'll be under consultant care though because my 2nd son was born 4 weeks early so just means more check ups I think.

So...am really happy today, seems more real now!
all good news then i got same midwife i had with my daughter lol is the 13wk scan just for reassurance? weird they dont do the nucheal but scan u anyways cud do it at same time im not having any testing either x
Hi Yobado, great news on your booking in, you sound really chuffed and excited, and so you should be, lovely that you and Serentity have the same midwifes you had before after all these years, what are the chances of that, those midwifes must love there jobs!!

Enjoy your 13 week scan , get lots of pics!!!
Thanks guys! Yeah we're really lucky to have the same midwife again! Mine stopped to look at photos of the boys on the computer too!

Serenity - the 13 week scan is a datin scan an where I'll be having my normal bloods done as well. Can't bloody wait! Will make sure I get plenty of pics!

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