Had my booking appointment and now have a date for my dating scan


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Finally - Dating scan 10th May. I should be 13 weeks by then.

My booking appointment went well, it was a lot more thorough than I expected - height, weight, blood pressure, carbon monoxide breath test and then lots of questions.

Only thing was when she took my blood - OUCH! She said "Oh no its blown up" then i looked down and there was a big bulge, so she said she had to put pressure on it for a while and I will have a big bruise tomorrow - She was right....

Ouch! What did she mean it's blown up? The vein? Urgh :( exciting about the scan though :) xx
:xOUCH !!! that's awful and I didn't need a reason to avoid needles , I'm the one screaming and running away down the corridor, my nurse will be very lucky to get blood off me now I 've seen what she's done to you. I do hope it's not to painful, at least your got your scan date, yay :dance: just 16 sleeps away .xx
Same thing happened to me...my arm was a mess for a good week after it x
Sorry to frighten you Katey! It doesn't hurt too much, it kind of like a dull ache. It stung when she did it and hurt when she put pressure on. I'm not keen on needles but it wasn't too much for me to take.
Yes, I think she meant the vein. I think missed personally.

Its all good though, yes 16 sleeps! I can't wait to actually see that I'm pregnant as I have no symptoms.
ahh glad all went well ouchy to ya bruise god i hate bloods and needles but i sem to have plenty of kids so hey its not that bad hehe xx

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